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Alt. Format Misty's Wrath (Psyduck & Slowpoke GX / Lapras)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar


Pokémon (08):
  • 4 Psyduck & Slowpoke GX (beatdown)
  • 4 Lapras SM11 (retrieval)
Trainer (42):
  • 2 Lt. Surge's Strategy (enable)
  • 2 Erika's Hospitality (draw)
  • 4 Steven's Request (search)
  • 2 Cynthia & Caitlin (draw)
  • 2 Blue's Startegy (draw)
  • 4 Misty’s Favor (search)
  • 2 Coach Trainer (draw)
  • 1 Mallow & Lana (heal)
  • 4 Whitney (draw)
  • 2 Great Catcher (control)
  • 3 U-Turn Board (retreat)
  • 4 PokéGear 3.0 (search)
  • 4 Tag Whistle (search)
  • 3 Pal Pad (retrieval)
  • 3 Power Plant (disable)
Energy (10):
  • 10 Water Energy


Start with either Psyduck and Slowpoke GX and use Steven's resolve to search for two Lapras and a trainer card. Next turn bench both Lapras and accumulate supporter card with Misty's Favor. Start to attack with Tossing Splash and retrieve discarded Misty's Favor with Lapras.


Cynthia & Cailtlin
Trainer - Supporter (Tag Team)
Put a supporter card from your discard pile into your hand. You cannot choose any Cynthia & Caitlin cards or cards discarded by this card. When you play this card, you may discard 1 card from your hand. If you do, draw 3 cards.

Mallow & Lana
Trainer - Supporter (Tag Team)
Switch your active Pokémon with 1 of your benched Pokémon. When you play this card, you may discard 2 cards from your hand. If you do, heal 120 damage from the Pokémon you switched to the bench.

Tag Whistle
Trainer - Item
Search your deck for up to 2 Tag Team cards and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.
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Is this expanded, or Japan's format? Either way it seems pretty fun. 4 lapras is already 160 damage a turn from misty's. I feel like it will run out of gas quick though outside the lapras recovery. But I suppose if you can hit 240 for a few turns game's probably over anyway.
Hi rewster1,

This decklist is for Japan's format. The idea is to recover four Misty's request with four Lapras and use one of them to search out three other supporter cards to allow you to discard a total of five to six supporter cards each turn. I am considering to run four Nest Ball and devote the two remaining deck slots to two Pal Pad since the recovered Misty's Request can be used to search out supporters from the deck and be discarded to fuel Tossing Splash at the same time. Choice Band provides the remaining 30 damage to enable Psyduck and Slowpoke GX to hit numbers when faced with other Tag Team decks.
Nice. I suppose it's already really strong against reshizard and other fire stuff (4 supporters or 3 and choice gets zard). I'm a little sad we lose aqua patch, exp share and wish baton as soon as we get this in the US. I mean, it's a tag team so maybe it's fine... and I guess you could play blastoise.

Do you think crasher wake is an option here? Also I'm assuming we ignore the GX attack here?
Hi rewster1,

Personally I ignore the GX attack on this one and focus on it's main attack. Still need to test out the best supporter composition once the cards become available here in about two to three weeks. Another supporter option that I considered is Whitney since this deck prefers straight draw over shuffle draw and it seems to combo with the supporter discard theme.
Hi folks,

Modified the deck a little to include a Jirachi engine to search out Misty's Request more consistently. I also increased the supporter count to 18 supporter in total to fuel Tossing Splash.

Hi Fafnirchaos,

Thanks for the review. I am not sold on Mewtwo SM10 in this deck since he merely returns a supporter to the top of the deck when played from hand and consumes a bench space for the rest of the match. Lapras returns Misty's Request directly from the discard to the hand and he can be used consecutively.
I like the changes especially getting rid of choice for more supporters (since each extra supporter discarded is 40 damage anyway), although I'm surprised you don't have a pal pad in, to get back the last whitney. I agree mewtwo is probably not ideal, compared to pal pad, since you are running misty's to get back the shuffled supporters if you need, and it's also a 2 retreat cost which I found to be dreadful in my rotom deck. From the cards there, I'd probably do -1 brooklet to fit a pal pad in. I might also do 2 nest 4 ultra, just to see water in the discard sooner. But then again if you go first you don't need to accelerate right away, since you only need 2 water to attack.
Hi rewster1,

Thanks for the review. Still need to test the current list once the cards arrive within the next three weeks but I believe that Psyduck and Slowpoke GX can be a viable deck. I considered Pal Pad but I am not sure it is truely needed. I do have four Lillie and four Coach Trainer as additional draw support in addition to Whitney and the deck currently runs a total of 18 supporter cards. Four of them can be retrieved from the discard turn by turn with Lapras. I thus merely need to have an additional supporter in hand and to use one Misty's Request to ohko most Tag Team Pokémon. However, if Pal Pad is needed I will surely follow your advice on how to fit it into this deck.

Hi Fafnirchaos,

Thanks for the review. If Pal Pad turns out to be needed in this deck I will cut one Brooklet Hill to include one Pal Pad. Since this list is for the current standard format in Japan I am not that worried about cards rotating at the moment.
Hi Almighty Bidoof,

Thanks for the review. With three to four Lapras on the bench I can already retrieve three to four Misty's Request. I believe that this should suffice on usual. Most of the time you either want to play Misty's Request or a draw supporter (e.g. Lillie, Coach Trainer, or Whitney) to obtain the needed supporter cards to fuel Tossing Splash and to draw into cards needed to stream attackers. I am considering to cut one Lillie in favor of a tech Blue's Strategy since it allows me to draw until I have eight cards in hand at the end of my turn. Could work well with Tossing Splash to refresh my hand for the next turn on turns where I do not need to play Misty's Request. However, I will need to test out this idea.
Hi folks,

Modified the deck above. I took out Coach trainer to include Blue's Strategy and Judge in addition to Judge's Whistle. The latter trainer also acts as an additional mean to retrieve supporter cards from the discard pile while Judge is also a decent counter to Unown decks. To do so I had to reduce the energy count to ten.
Do you think you could update the deck list to be post rotation standard? I'm looking at playing that post rotation.
Hi Deity of War,

Sent a private message since I want to keep this one to the current standard format in Japan.

Hi folks,

Modified the list a little after some initial test runs.
Hi folks,

Modified the deck above to turn it into a standard format deck and included some cards from Alter Genesis.


Pokémon (08):
  • 4 Psyduck & Slowpoke GX (beatdown)
  • 4 Lapras SM11 (retrieval)
Trainer (42):
  • 2 Lt. Surge's Strategy (enable)
  • 2 Erika's Hospitality (draw)
  • 4 Steven's Request (search)
  • 2 Cynthia & Caitlin (draw)
  • 2 Blue's Startegy (draw)
  • 4 Misty’s Favor (search)
  • 2 Coach Trainer (draw)
  • 1 Mallow & Lana (heal)
  • 4 Whitney (draw)
  • 2 Great Catcher (control)
  • 3 U-Turn Board (retreat)
  • 4 PokéGear 3.0 (search)
  • 4 Tag Whistle (search)
  • 3 Pal Pad (retrieval)
  • 3 Power Plant (disable)
Energy (10):
  • 10 Water Energy


Start with either Psyduck and Slowpoke GX and use Steven's resolve to search for two Lapras and a trainer card. Next turn bench both Lapras and accumulate supporter card with Misty's Favor. Start to attack with Tossing Splash and retrieve discarded Misty's Favor with Lapras.


Cynthia & Cailtlin
Trainer - Supporter (Tag Team)
Put a supporter card from your discard pile into your hand. You cannot choose any Cynthia & Caitlin cards or cards discarded by this card. When you play this card, you may discard 1 card from your hand. If you do, draw 3 cards.

Mallow & Lana
Trainer - Supporter (Tag Team)
Switch your active Pokémon with 1 of your benched Pokémon. When you play this card, you may discard 2 cards from your hand. If you do, heal 120 damage from the Pokémon you switched to the bench.

Tag Whistle
Trainer - Item
Search your deck for up to 2 Tag Team cards and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.
I agree mewtwo is probably not ideal, compared to pal pad, since you are running misty's to get back the shuffled supporters if you need, and it's also a 2 retreat cost which I found to be dreadful in my rotom deck.