RE: MLP:FiM-Friendship Divided (20% Cooler than other RPGs)
All right, I'll leave signs up open a little more, but once we get going, they'll close. Now, let's begin!
Ponyville was not like the friendly community it once was. The air was filled with anxiety, bitterness, and the ponies of the town were all too aware it. Even after order had been restored, no pony was in the usual cheerful mood.
It had all started when a few ponies were heard shrieking, and then the disappearances started. It wasn’t exactly an attack, but it caused enough panic for self harm and rioting to happen. Ponyville ended up causing itself more harm than anything else. This, along with the news of six of their friends, weakened the relation between some of the ponies in Ponyville. As long he had the majority supporting him, it didn’t matter. Still, the feelings could spread, he could never be too careful.
“Without further ado, fillies and gentlecolts, please welcome Commander Windstorm of the Equestrian Armed Forces.”
An intimidating white Pegasus glided over, landing with two great beats of his wings. His icy blue eyes scanned the crowd of ponies before him, making sure he had their full attention.
“My fellow Equestrians, I thank you all for being here today. This just shows how even as we face, some frightening, dark times, we hold a strong bond. Your presence is a powerful symbol of the new Equestria. From the ashes, we have risen into a unified, brave country.” Windstorm smiled, losing his intimidating look, attempting to warm up to the crowd.
“I vowed to you two things. I said I would build the strength of Equestria, and I gave you the Equestrian Armed Forces. Gone is the underwhelming, limited Royal Guard. Here, is the numerous, strong, and growing EAF. My second vow is to conquer this threat.” Windstorm glanced at his side, a small purple dragon looking back at him. The dragon rushed over, handing him a note. “Thank you, Spike, correct?”
“Yes sir…” Spike spoke softly; he shivered a bit as he stood so close to Windstorm. The Pegasus responsible for locking up his friends was right in front of him. And he was his new assistant.
“Now, we have continued to gather information on what is out there. Unfortunately, I can not reveal all the details to you. What I can tell you though, is that it is afraid of the EAF, and is not a match for our strength!” EAF ponies hollered at this, stomping their hooves in agreement. “After arriving, we quickly restored order, and have blocked access to the forest. This is for your safety, I assure you. I will be having patrols staying there, and I will be appointing a captain to maintain the peace here in Ponyville.” Windstorm looked down at the note he had received. “Ah, good. I have been told that our supplies have arrived. The EAF will also be helping repair any damage from last week’s events.” Windstorm turned back to the note.
“I see…we’ll be cutting this short, sorry. Something has been brought to my attention.” With that, the EAF Pegasus walked off the stage, leaving a bewildered audience. A second Pegasus appeared, and continued to speak.
He spoke more about the EAF's growth, some updates on recent missions, but it seemed he avoided the topic a few ponies kept in their mind. What happened to the six ponies that they held dear? The six ponies who Princess Celestia herself knew personally. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight Sparkle were all gone.
Windstorm made his way though the crowd, a few ponies congratulating him, others trying to give him questions. Windstorm ignored all this, and headed straight for the outpost outside of Ponyville.
"Now, if you have any questions, require help, or would like to join the EAF, please feel free to visit the our Ponyville outpost." The Pegasus stepped down, and the town resumed its normal business.