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MMVP (Mew/Mewtwo/Vileplume)


The voices may not be REAL but they have good idea
This is sorta a variation on Mew/Muk/Vileplume. I've been testing the deck for a while and I really like it! Basically the same as a MMV deck only slightly more centered around Mewtwo.
If I can possibly get the Mewtwo's in time I will probably be taking it to States (mine's on the 17th)

The List

Pokemon 22:

4 Mew Prime
2 Mewtwo EX
3-1-2 Vileplume UD
1-2 Zoroark BW
2 Relicanth CL
1 Muk UD
1 Crobat Prime
1 Mismagius CL
1 Victini (V-create)
1 Terrakion NV

T/S 24:

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Twins
3 N
2 Cilan
2 Communication
3 Rare Candy

Energy 14:

3 Prism
7 Psychic


Basic Strategy:
Basic Mew/Muk/Vileplume strategy. By turn 1 I should have either a Mew or Relicanth as well as an energy in hand. This way I'll be able to Lost Zone immediately on the first turn. Relicanth is preferred as it is also excellent draw support and helps me set up quicker. By turn 2 or 3 I should have the Vileplume lock set up and hopefully a Mewtwo, Zoroark, and Mismagius/Muk/Crobat in the Lost Zone as well as at least 2 Mew on the bench ready to go. Then I just use Mew's Skill Link to copy any attack I want of the pokemon in the Lost Zone.

Pokemon Choices(main pokemon are omitted):
Zoroark is nice in case I can't get a Mewtwo into the Lost Zone for whatever reason. Zoroark's attack is also good against Reshiram and pretty much any pokemon that has a great attack. For the same reason I like to have a Zoroark able to be on the bench if possible.
Muk is great under a lock because he can act as a sort-of Catcher with Sludge Drag.
Crobat is for Severe Poisoning those Eels that have been brought up by Muk and Skill Dive is useful to hit things on the bench and potentially KO babies or 30 HP Tynamo.
Mismagius is able to hit for a lot of damage when the opponent is under the lock and also allows you to look at your opponent's hand.
Terrakion is the tech against the ever popular Thunder Dome and ZekEels decks.
Victini is a tech against Durant decks and also can be LZ'd to OHKO any Mewtwo if it's attack is used by Mew.

So, that's my deck! Sorry it's sorta a long post...I'm really excited about this deck! Any comments/suggestions are welcome and appreciated!
pedrozaum, Even if it won't (and I'm not saying that), it's still rude to say it isn't good enough to win a championship.

Sorry I don't have any advice. I am not familiar with this deck (or similar ones) so my comments probably wouldn't be too helpful. Anyway, I hope this works out for you!
@pedrozaum: Well, maybe not but it's been faring pretty well against the ZekEels and Thunder Dome decks I've been testing it against. Have yet to try it against CMT though.

@NicoSpot: Thanks! I actually really like the way the deck runs and stuff. It may not be tier 1 or anything like that but it works well enough for my purposes...so far anyways :p
I'd add another attacker.
- 2 PETM (just not good)
-2 cilan (won't be needing it)
-2 psychic energy (to make room)
-1 communication (in my experience two is all that is needed)

+2 sage's (help get out vileplume)
+3 N (draw power)
+1-2 twins (good)

And 1-2 extra spaces for anything I missed or is needed. Hope I helped!
Yeah, I wasn't too sure about the PETM or the extra communication; I was sorta trying things that would help get Vileplume out quicker. The energy count kinda keeps jumping around but I'll take 2 more out to make more room..13 energy is probably plenty :p and I actually really liked Cilan but if I only have 6 I can see what you mean.

And you mean +2 N right? I already have 2 in the deck (though 5 would be nice to have ;) )

anyways, thanks for the advice! I never thought about Sage's before, I'll have to try it!
Updated the list with 1 more Twins and N. Decided to leave Cilan and Elm in there after some more play testing and found that I actually used them quite a bit. Looking for a way to add Sage's, maybe take out 2 more Psychic energy?
I don't think mew two is really necessary since mew is a counter against mew twos. In decks I've seen that contain mew there was jumpluff to attack too so maybe that will help. And I wouldn't really put mew two in the lost zone if you do play it because even though its 2 prize cards if knocked out, it has higher hp. Try taking out PETM. It isn't really good IMO since twins helps and it uses up the supporter for the turn.