DPPt/HGSS Mods please lock!

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RE: Return of me trading! *Updated*

ShineVini said:
Im interested in Adamant Gyara, Adamant Ttar and Relaxed Zong as well. What about 10th Aniv Raikou, Entei and Suicune for them?
That works.
safariblade said:
safariblade said:
what about the celebi?
-Dialga Master- said:
Let me check...
EDIT: Adamant Ralts please.
I can't trade right now.
I would also like adamant t-tar

RE: Return of me trading! *Updated*

ill trade you a shiny channel jirachi for the adament ev'd tyranitar
RE: Return of me trading! *Updated*

i am pretty positive that it isn't hacked the trainer number and everything matches, plus i really don't like hacked pokemon and i still have it, so that has to count for something
RE: Return of me trading! *Updated*

Okay, Dialga Master! Our deal is:
My: 10th aniv Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Entei, Raikou and Suicune
for Yours: Azelf, Celebi, Moltres, Adamant Gyara, Adamant Ttar and Relaxed Zong
Just PM when you can trade ;)
RE: Return of me trading! *Updated*

-Dialga Master- said:
Why don't you add my Diamond FC and which FC would I use for you?

I will.
Use my Pearl FC. Its on my sig, the Palkia bar. Can trade now?
RE: Return of me trading! *Updated*

How About ev'd bronzong what's it ev'd in?
RE: Return of me trading! *Updated*

what do you want for it?i could give you a rayquaza kyogre or groudon.
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