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RE: Azelf Master's 'Zelfy Trades! Massive Update! Come Look! H: Cards

Garchomp X is pending for a sale but the rest are clear. :)
RE: Azelf Master's 'Zelfy Trades! Massive Update! Come Look! H: Cards

cml for Kingdra Prime
RE: Azelf Master's 'Zelfy Trades! Massive Update! Come Look! H: Cards

CML for
Kingdra Prime UL
RE: Azelf Master's 'Zelfy Trades!

CML for these!!
1x Entei/Raikou Legend Top
1x Entei/Raikou Legend Bottom
2x Garchomp SV
RE: Azelf Master's 'Zelfy Trades!

Azelf Master said:
I don't have 2x Garchomp SV, sorry. That's what I need.

I saw Kingdra Prime, 3x Jumpluff HS.

ok so wat do u want for the legend and the star?
RE: Azelf Master's 'Zelfy Trades!

Azelf Master said:
I'd prefer not to trade the legend right now. Make an offer.

ok well then, nvm cuz i dont really want to giv u really good staples for a star
RE: Azelf Master's 'Zelfy Trades!

Azelf Master said:
Kingdra and Jumpluff aren't that good at all. I could do 2 Jumpluffs for Mew*.

uhh yeah they are, jumpluffs are 8$ each and kingdra is 11$ and nty
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