Mods please lock.

RE: Rogue DeckTournament

Sorry, I don't make banners. I'm a hand artist. But if you can find someone to resize it then I'll make banners.
RE: Rogue DeckTournament

I guess I''ll participate. PM me here on IM me on the pb chat to alert me.
RE: Rogue DeckTournament

So does it mean that all of those cards are also banned? I have a deck in mind, but it does use a few cards from that list. Can I use it?
RE: Rogue DeckTournament

@Cardkeeper: Sorry, but I respectfully disagree with putting Scizor Prime on the banned decks list because in my state, no one uses a Scizor deck at all or at least that I seen. I participated at 3 BRs and judged 1 and only seen one Scizor Prime deck by an out of state player. Its not popular enough to be considered main stream in my opinon.
RE: Rogue DeckTournament

Ox_trainer: You may use a few as long as they are not part of the deck's main strategy. If people notice it's too similar though, you'll have to take them out.

@Everyone: I'm busy today and I have to leave until ~11:00 EST, so no postings up yet. Right now I'll accept more people into the tournament until tonight or tomorrow and then we'll begin.
RE: Rogue DeckTournament

I think we should cut it off @ Midnight tonight and put pairings up then, since people usually Redshark more in the evenings. (Idk why, but they do.)
RE: Rogue DeckTournament

All right, I'm back. We have exactly 20 people which is fine but signups will be officially over tomorrow at 2:00 EST since I have a college visit in the morning and can't stay online right now.
RE: Rogue DeckTournament

I'll join if there's any room left.
Got a new deck that I've been wanting to try out against more people. No one will expect it.
RE: Round 1 Pairings are up!!!

Are you allowed to switch decks between games in a match?

I won the first round and because of his "other business to attend to" he "lost the connection" the second round. That means I win.
RE: Round 1 Pairings are up!!!

That doesn't mean you win. You stalled, and sat there for 10-15 minutes not doing anything. Which was becoming a waste of time, I just went off of what it says in the forum.

This is what was said in the forum: "You may change decks at any time to whatever you want that is NOT listed above."

And during the second game I chose to switch, I shouldn't be penalized for this. Especially because it's clearly stated in the forum. And I said, that we can finish the second round later on.