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Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer
Hey, I know a lot of riddles, so now you all have to figure them out. You can only ask Y/N ?s. If you have a riddle, PM me it and I will tell you if you can post it. I will be updating this 1st post with all of your questions.

Riddle #1
Person A sends a box to Person B. Person B looks inside the box and then sends it to Person C. Person C likes what is in the box and the next time he sees Person A, he kills him.

Q: Is person a terrorist?
A: No

Q: Were person A and C dating?
A: No

Q: Is there a claydol in the box?
A: No

Q: Is there a gun/weapon in the box?
A: No

Q: Is there a pokemon card in the box?
A: No

Q: Is there cake in the box?
A: No

Q: Is there body part(s) in the box?
A: Yes

Q: Is the body part in the box an arm?
A: Yes

Q: Is Person C a gravekeeper?
A: No

Q: Is Person C a mad scientist?
A: No

Q: Are there any other body parts in the box?
A: No

Q: Does the fact that A, B, and C are all letters mean anything to this riddle?
A: No

Q: Are A, B, and C related/family?
A: No

Q: Are A, B, and C all human beings?
A: Yes

Q: Is there anything else in the box besides the arm?
A: No

Q: Were A, B, and C ever/currently president?
A: No

Q: Were A, B, and C ever/currently in the mafia?
A: No

Q: Did Person C kill Person A on purpose?
A: Yes

Q: Do the genders of the people matter?
A: No

Q: Is this a real arm, as in from a living (or previously living) person?
A: Yes

Q: Does it matter what condition the arm is in?
A: No

Q: Does the arm belong to Person A?
A: No

Q: Does the arm belong to Person B?
A: No

Q: Does the arm belong to Person C?
A: No

Q: Was the arm was from person C's mom?
A: No

Q: Does the Arm belong to any of A's family or friends?
A: No

Q: Does the Arm belong to any of B's family or friends?
A: No

Q: Does the Arm belong to any of C's family or friends?
A: No

Q: Does the Arm belong to anyone of A/B/C know?
A: No

Q: Did Person C know Person A prior to receiving the box?
A: Yes

Q: Are all persons of the same nationality?
A: Doesn't matter

Q: Is the time period this is taking place in the current time period?
A: Yes

Q: Are any of the persons someone well-known?
A: No

Q: Did Person C know the contents of the box would cause hostilities?
A: No

Q: Did Person A know the contents of the box would cause hostilities?
A: No

Q: Did person B add anything to the box?
A: No

Q: Does religion play a role in the reason why Person A killed Person C?
A: No

Q: Did Person B do anything to the box once he had gotten it?
A: No, except looking in it, he did nothing to the box

Q: Are any of the people docters?
A: No

Q: Are any of the people patients?
A: No

Q: Are any of the people sick in some way?
A: No

Q: Are all of them sane?
A: Yes

Q: Was this a killing in cold blood, or was it part of some plan?
A: Getting even (even though I'm only supposed to say yes or no :p)

Q: Did person A want to die?
A: No

Q: Will we EVER be able to find out why this guy killed the other guy? XD
A: Probably not lol

Q: Did Person A cut off Person C's arm at some point in time?
A: Yes

Q: Does person B have any significance to the plot of the riddle?
A: Yes

Q: Ah, person A started it all. Person B is irrelavent. Person C's hand was in that box, and so sought revenge at Person A for cutting it. I bet person B was just a delivery boy.
A: No

Q: Is person A missing an arm?
A: No

Q: Is person B missing an arm?
A: Yes

Q: Is person C missing an arm?
A: Yes

Q: Was the arm in the box when person C received it?
A: Yes

Q: Does the arm in the box belong to person C?
A: No

Q: Did Person C kill person A for revenge?
A: Yes, in a way (more payback then revenge)

Q: Did Person A cut off Person B's arm?
A: Yes

Q: If the above question is true, is it relevant to the riddle?
A: Yes

Q: Are Person B and Person C angry at Person A for cutting an arm off each of them?
A: No

Q: Are Person B and Person C's arm's gone because they were used for food?
A: Yes

Q: Are all three still on the deserted island?
A: No

Q: Was the arm in the box already eaten off of?
A: No

Q: Was the arm in the box a human arm?
A: Yes

Q: Were Person B and C's arm cut off on the deserted island?
A: Yes

Q: Does the arm in the box belong to anyone relevant to the riddle?
A: No

Q: Are there any non-human creatures relevant to the riddle?
A: No

Q:Did person C want his arm back?
A: I guess so, but that's not really all that relevant to the riddle

Q: Can we please have a bigger hint?
A: Fine, check the 1st post

Q: Did person C kill person A to take both of his arms?
A: No

Q: Was Person A given the arm?
A: No

Q: Were Person B and Person C's arms eaten?
A: Yes

Q: Were their arms eaten by Person A?
A: 1/3 [/hint]

Q: Did A,B,C eat B,C arms?
A: Yes

Q: Did person A die because he promised that C could kill him if they survived?
A: No, but close

#1: A, B, and C were all once stuck on a deserted island.

#2: Person A made a promise to Person B and C.
RE: Riddles

Here's the story to the above riddle. (As I see it). Person A and C were dating at one time, and they broke up because person A met another woman. Person A sends an intimate photo to Person B, a good friend of Person A's and Person C's. Person B wants to be honest, so he sends the photo to Person C. Person C then kills Person A out of revenge.

It may not be the answer you're looking for, but it works.;)
RE: Riddles

Mapleboy86 said:

@FS- no, Person C liked what was in the box, remember?

Oh, yes! I forgot to mention: You see Person C went into a deep depression and spent time in a psychiatric ward. She is now insane. She liked what she saw because she wanted to get revenge, and the photo, in her mind, justified her revenge.
RE: Riddles

^I dont think its that elaborate its a riddle after all

There was a gun/weapon in the box?
RE: Riddles

it had a picture of person a holding person c's only claydol, with the claydol card, and so person c killed person a for stealing the card. After all, claydols are rare...
RE: Riddles

@Seth1789110-no claydol

@kashmaster-no gun/weapon (and it's more elaborate than you'd think)
RE: Riddles

person C is a Machamp and person A is a Basic Poke. Inside the pressent is 1 Fighting NRG Machamp needed to use Take out to Kill person A
RE: Riddles

Person A sends a cake to person B but person b hates it and sends it to person c. Person c likes it so he kills person A so he can't get the cake back.

The cake is mine...all mine!!!
RE: Riddles

Ok, Person A killed one of Person Cs family members. He sent it to person B hoping he could hide the parts. Person B saw it and felt discusted. He sent it to Person C. Person C had Loved that family member, and he got revenge by killing Person A... It makes perfect sense!
RE: Riddles

Wow, good job! It's not all that close to the correct answer, but you just solved most of what is in the box. (Updated)
RE: Riddles

Ninja said:
Ok, Person A killed one of Person Cs family members. He sent it to person B hoping he could hide the parts. Person B saw it and felt discusted. He sent it to Person C. Person C had Loved that family member, and he got revenge by killing Person A... It makes perfect sense!

Meh... my answer was better.
RE: Riddles

maybe there was a skeleton and person c was a gravekeeper or something and he wanted more dead dues so he killed person a