Mods please put your lockage power on this.

RE: Riddles

Awesome! I cant believe it... thats amazing... I just had to think of something lol well since its not right then I guess work off of it...

Was it (crap I cant think of anything) is it anything specific? Maybe his dog or something, If not pet than family members, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, Cousins, Mom, Dad... Idk!
RE: Riddles

Person C is a mad scientist. Upon receiving the body parts in the box, he decided to do an experiment. Person A bravely volunteered to be the subject of the experiment and was killed in the process.

Works for me. :p
RE: Riddles

Bubba is a winner! Now you have 1/2 the riddle solved. A clue: figure out what A B and C have in common (it won't be easy)
RE: Riddles


So, are there any OTHER body parts in there?

(Also, A, B, and C are all letters...XD)
RE: Riddles

Person A is Person Cs Uncle. Person B is his mom. Person A killed Person Cs father and tadaa lol
RE: Riddles

Sigh...this is a hard one. XD

Are any of the Persons the President?