Wi-Fi Trades Momoo's Player Thread - With Lucario TCGWC 08

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RE: Momoo's Player Thread

Its ok i just wanted it for dexing.. Hahaz.. So how about the articuno?? Do you have a magmortar??
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

i have it already hmm.. How about.. Cresselia with modest or calm nature??
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

Hahaz okz DEALLLL.. By the way my articuno is not untouch is that ok with you??
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

Can you trade now?? If not i going to sleep already.. Hahaz
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

darn. My Wi-Fi won't be working for another couple of hours... FC please!

EDIT: never mind I saw it
heres mine:5284-2684-2586
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

O alrights its okz.. I think i will be online at around 8 hours later is that alright??
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

Hahaz ok thanks for the understanding =)..
My FC is 4682 5467 8860..
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

I'm ready to trade post here when your ready. it will take 1-5 minutes to get ready.
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

hmm what nature is shiny squirtle?? and do you want anything else for a darkrai??
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

gentle nature
FYI: the shiny rilou is admant nature
your darkrai or mine?
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

the darkrai is a hack you do know
since it is a hack i wont ask for a shiny and ill take jirachi
let me clone the rilou real fast and we can trade
RE: Momoo's Player Thread

Oh its a hack.. hmm i think i dont want it then.. sorry what you want for shiny squirtle also..
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