80 damage. Before doing damage, you may choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. If you do, this attack does 40 damage to that Pokemon and 40 damage to the Active Pokemon instead.
80 damage. If the Defending Pokemon has less than 80 HP remaining, select 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. That Pokemon takes the remaining damage.
cute-mew said:wow, I like the bench damage idea, and gold rod was a good trainer, but will the text change, cause now it says "babies" and it can take back all trainers, my guess that it won't be able to take babies anymore, and that it won't take ex and supporters, but we'll see
nice Lickitung, I wonder what it's HP would be
... let's all hope gatr isn't an ex, cause then we'd have 2 gatr ex in the format
Abhorsen said:Wow, looks like (almost) everyone here has missed the best card listed so far... LICKITUNG! It's probably the best starting basic pokemon next to Dunsparce SS.