Monday, 6/25, Player Club Promos, Mysterious Treasures Images, PBR Not Out?

RE: Monday, 6/25, Player Club Promos, Mysterious Treasures (Images Later), PBR Not Out?

The thing about PBR has happened before with pokemon games....I had preordered Leaf Green at EB Games...and I went the day it was sopposted to be released, and they said that it was a shipping day and I had to wait another I guess its common when I comes to pokemon.
95% of the time, the stated "release date" is always the "shipping date". However, there are some exceptions to this, such as a highly anticipated game and some nintendo-made games. The former really doesn't apply much to PBR for some reason, but the latter does, so as the main article states, it IS best to double check late in the afternoon just in case.
I really love the Dialga and Palkia art. Being the artist the same that drew many of the stars it really seems like the two Pokemons have been printed in their star form. I remember thinking about Masakazu Fukuka like a great artist and I loved the star cards just for his arts. Anyway, what do you think about the Electivire Lv.X? Unfortunately it is a Lv.X, otherwise it would really shake-up the format...
Edit: did anyone succeed in translating the Player Club promos?
It happened to me too. I called both GameStop and Toys'R'Us and both said they'd get it in tomorrow. The person I spoke with at Toys'R'Us said that today was the ship day, and if they do get it today, they put it onto shelves tomorrow.

I'll be getting one ^^
I'll enjoy waiting another few months thanks to Wii region lock...

Anyhow, mysterious treasures looks promising, I hope the release date is the same in Europe, which would make everything back to normal.
Garchop looks scary, 130HP, 0 retreat cost and the ability to do 110 for only 3 energies, 70 with 1 boost. The azelf trio seems like nice techs, it's funny how you have the upper one, the downer one and the middle one? Uxie has some pretty nice attack names. Bebe's search is the celio's network of DP, and because it can search for ex, it might be seen in some decks. Toxicroak has a fun body, and magmortar lvX's power is just wicked.
I like the new play promos, can't wait to see what the final one is, my money's on either darkrai or giratina (which would make it the 1st giratina card, something worth going to way too many tournaments for).
First off the release date for PBR is indeed a shipment date. That being said the player promos do look promising. though the Manaphy at first glance looks like it may not be to good, but nobody knows what the body is and Dialga and Palkia look really nice. Can't wait to see the last one so many possibilities. My money is on Darkrai or Giratina. Can't wait for the next set. Worlds being one of the first pre-releases is going to be really cool.
It's not fair :(
Australia only got D/P last Thursaday (GB: DS)
Also we haven't got DP1 yet. (Are you listerning Crofty! come on give us our release already!!!)
The set and cards look awesome and I wonder why the new Pokemon game did not come out on schedule. This is the first time that I know of that a game did not come out on regular time and date. I missed the movie and I have seen it and I was going to tape it but our VCR broke last week.:)
I was all hyped last night about PBR and now I forgot today was the release... >.> Anyway, it doesn't matter much to me right now, I probably won't be able to come up with enough money anyway. I'm probably going to end up waiting several weeks. =/

It'd be nice if we had a player points program over here, even better, a wrapper redemtion program like the Bleach TCG and Naruto CCG have. =3

I can't wait for Mysterious Treasures, it's always looked like a great set. ^ ^
wow i cant wait to get those cards but its wierd how the player's club palkia looks like it's shiny...

P.S. did anyone else notice how the player's club cards have no flavor text?
I was all hyped last night about PBR and now I forgot today was the release... >.> Anyway, it doesn't matter much to me right now, I probably won't be able to come up with enough money anyway.