lol no Nanashii, my deck has 2 EX's, one Gardy and one Latias, both of which I barely use. I always focus on the non-EX's/Lv.X's/*'s/whatevers, and I find that, well...look.
1.Infernape from Inferno Zone theme deck is very broken.
2.Dusknoir, Electivire, Magnezone, Staraptor, etc. are broken.
3.Basic Metals and Darks suck, now those 2 types will see more play, I want them EXCLUDED.
4. Energyless attacks- not good. Energy has been a key factor, I center my decks around energy supply. Now I don't need it.
5. Trainers, Supporters, Stadiums seperated- Was that really necessary?
However I do enjoy that 1st-turn candying has been banned, that really helps lengthen the duration of the game.