Monday, 6/4, Next Year's Modified, Japan Getting EX PK

Alright, I'm now officially fuming. To take out DS, I was hoping that wouldn't happen. But Trainker Kit 2, Legend Maker and POP3? That's just insane.
im P***ed we not only lose the holon engine we alos lose mew ex and rk9 form lm in so ticked we better get some good cards next year
Think of it this way DS has Holon Transceiver which would become even better and broken to a sense with the whole new Supporter not being a Trainer rule. LM has good cards but, I'm still baffled at why they're banning.

I guess this is the close to the massive Delta chapter of Pokemon. (Without the great supporters and Holon Transceiver going away any way.) I guess we should have seen it coming with the remake of Holon Mentor.
Woow legend maker dropping 2. Thats hard man i hoped it would be in one more year. Prolly holon engine is going to be replaced whit something like baby-engine most babys look for suporter/trainers so i think they could/would be teched in decks as starters. We'll see.
This is a HUGE amount of cards goin away! Wasnt it only like three sets last year?? I guess with the Holon trainer engine and the powerhouses like Dragonite and Metagross caused them to add in Delta Spieces to this rotation, but I dont understand Legend Maker gettin the axe. This is really a slam on the door to some of the delta decks out there. We can only see what the newer sets bring now.
TO HELL WITH DIAMOND AND PEARL!!!!! If those cards didn't suck then i might not be so mad. I know its the first set but so what, Nintendo has been doing this for sometime so why the crappy cards!!!? They could of at least kept Legend Maker which barely came out last summer. I only have one modified deck and I'm very proud of it, but its crap like this that makes me play mostly unlimited. The worst part is that at the OP website they have the nerve to state "Each rotation challenges existing players to create new strategies while allowing new players to get into organized play with a minimum investment." "Minimum Investment" my a**. Its minimum if your rich or if you can just ask mom and dad. They jack up the prices for booster packs and still have the nerve to say "Minimum". As for "challenging existing players", it would be a challenge if the cards didn't suck. They act like ALL the new Pokemon are the greatest ever.
If I may say somthing there are many combos that lie in D/P and this may have to do with the fact that they may start making sets come out more frequently. (This is drawn from the whole Shining Darkness being released earlier. Anyway this may also be because of only three main sets being banned last year.
I also agree that it stinks....coz not only I lose the useage of my favorite & 2nd favorite water pokemon...I can't use half the cards in my deck.
Looks like I might have to use: Eeveelutions d'.
I'll probably be the only one to say this:

Honestly, if your upset because you can't use cheap@§§ LM Mew EX, then you shouldn't be playing, Poke`mon is supposed to be fun and not quick and simple for loser rich kids who are only willing to spend less then 10minsk on a game
:: drags games out ::
honestly, this ban list is awsome!!!!!

and if you can't deal with it, tough, quit
LM getting the axe? I saved a Machamp, Three Aerodactyls, and lots'a others for next year...seriously... Glad I traded my Mew ex LM.
I'm extremely thankful DS is gone, that pack sucked with all those hax cards.
DF is still in obviously, Gardy, Draggy, Flygon, and all those cards are sure to get more popular.
PK was more or less a waste of time, a pretty useless pack... full of reprints. It's still in. (Duh)
Why does Diamond and Pearl suck?
Because its a balanced set and you need cheap EXs to play with?
Agreed I they help but with good combos as shown from Metanite (without Metagross ex or Sceptile ex or Dragonite ex) does well. Anyway there are level Xs now too which I think are pretty cool.
lol no Nanashii, my deck has 2 EX's, one Gardy and one Latias, both of which I barely use. I always focus on the non-EX's/Lv.X's/*'s/whatevers, and I find that, well...look.
1.Infernape from Inferno Zone theme deck is very broken.
2.Dusknoir, Electivire, Magnezone, Staraptor, etc. are broken.
3.Basic Metals and Darks suck, now those 2 types will see more play, I want them EXCLUDED.
4. Energyless attacks- not good. Energy has been a key factor, I center my decks around energy supply. Now I don't need it.
5. Trainers, Supporters, Stadiums seperated- Was that really necessary?

However I do enjoy that 1st-turn candying has been banned, that really helps lengthen the duration of the game.
; ; All my decks just died, lol....

Mew EX leaving doesn't bother me too much. Mew* covers your opponent's field, which is good enough for now.

I hope maybe a couple of things will get reprinted sooner or later, mostly Stadiums. LOTS of stadiums to just throw in a deck were in LM :/ Even though I knew it was gonna go, I'm gonna miss Mary's Request lol

D&P was a big let down... if it weren't for that I betcha we woulda kept LM, and IMO LM > DP. DP just re-introduced coin-flip based games and random cards that just sit in your binder. If you can even start to say you can say that, let me know how you feel when you buy a pack just to find a Skutank in it. Yeah.
I'm complaining that the fact that I've spent about 15 boosters for both UF and LM sets and thus have no deck to work with considering that all my cards are from there...