Monday, 6/4, Next Year's Modified, Japan Getting EX PK

Many of us are depressed. I too don't have any deck now. My first deck was Eeveelutions but most came from older version so I'm not using it now. And come to think of, I'm just making a deck yesterday then this morning I've read the new format and bye-bye Meganium EX deck. UF and LM are good cards imo, and again imo those are better than DP. How would the other country compete now with Japan which has 3 new expansions while the US have only weak cards and 1 DP which definitely sucks! And what about our country!? We haven't got DP yet. I wanted to become a Japanese now.

Also, this is one of the reasons why the Deck Garage is now not that active.

But one guy said that he think this will be applied after World Championships. I'm now in a midst of confusion.
follow the link:
Hmm, well about time DS was gone... but Legend Makers hardly even been out, the pre-release was only like a few weeks back (ok exageration, but thats how it feels) and is there really any need to get rid of POP sets? There's hardly anything good in most of them, but after you work so hard to earn them, packet after packet of mudkip and pikachu, then finally! - a good card... then its banned. Pfft, D/P has some good stuff, but the game would be much better if they just made things that were not totally-game-dominating-has-to-be-banned-after-a-year-or-ruin-everything cards, so then rotations wouldn't have to happen so often. Finally, maybe POP should pay more attention to unlimited, help give a use to all those rotated cards, or buy them back off us for recycling! >_<
LM rotated out? These hard-getting POPs out? The Basic Paradise, TK2 rotated out?

WILL KILL POP! They turned my deck illegal!
Yay, DS is going to be out of the format, reducing the amount of Holon Engined decks and adding variety. But, for me, it's a mixed blessing as I have a Metanite deck, which is going to be rotated, and I like Holon Farmer a lot, and without it, how are we going to get Pokémon AND energies back at the same time? My Ludicargo is going, but that isn't a huge surprise, same for my Medidoom. GatrQueen is going to suck from now on without the use of the Holon Engine, but now, maybe people will think about the Scott engine for the deck seriously. My Gardevoir deck is losing Latios* (massive surprise) and the ever important Holon Farmer. My main deck this format is losing one card; Holon Farmer, which is possibly the only (slight exaggeration there) card I didn't want to lose, which I need to find a good replacement for, otherwise the deck will do quite badly next year. LM going doesn't effect me at all. I wasn't a bug fan of the set to be honest, but it does mean my best deck will lose 2 of it's favourite one hit knock outs. Mind you, the card-that-people-consider-if-they-have-one-card-left-in-there-decks-for-a-tech Mew Ex is going, thus basically the Destiny archetype.
And the POP sets? Why do they rotate them? They always contain rubbish that you'll never use (apart from Rare Candy in POP 5 and Deoxys Ex in POP 4), so what is actually the point of even making them in the first place?
As for Japan getting PK, well, good for them, it'll put everyone on a level playing field with the reprinted cards (Blaziken, Gardevoir, Delcatty, Laturn, Magneton) at worlds, so I don't mind. I just find it bizarre that they didn't get it before.
I think that's everything.
My metanite, holon engine, lm Shadow armor (using mew lm and armaldo ex) deck, lati@s and my other holon engine have just become illegal. I have no deck now, and hardly any cards. I only have 5 hp packs, quite alot of cg and hardly any df, about 5 dp, so i can't have more than 100 cards. Good job that over here we are still using unlimited, i never have entered worlds, so this doesn't affect me. I don't know why I was complaining. But if I ever do want to play modified, i will need new cards.
Whola-mia! Who would've thought that Delta Species AND Legend Maker were to be removed. And it loos like Kyorge ex, Groudon ex and Rayquaza ex will be the only Promos legal in the new Modified Format! Oh well, that's Sod's Law for ya, e-he-he :p
The Typhlosion promo will still be legal lol. And it's a reprint from UF, so any one who loves the set that much has a little bit left :p Zapdos EX is staying. The crappy Suicune finally goes, I've had that thing forever, I got it with my Pokemon4Ever DVD lol. The Ray, Groudon, and Kyogre were like the only good promos though. MAYBE Moltres, but Latias out played it and it got kinda crappy when THIS format started.

Oh well. This all doesn't happen 'til Sept. Remember we still got DP3 to look forward to, and DP2 looks promising.
YES! Down with the Delta decks!

Even though I'm a Holon user myself, I'm glad I'm being forced to make a new deck, the Holon engine has been getting old. Although, I did want to try out that Electrivire and Dragonite d combo. Oh well, hopefully I can throw one together and play around with it this summer for a while.

And I must admit, I'm suprised at how many sets PUSA axed this time around. We knew DX, EM, and UF were gonners and I figured they do away with DS or LM but I was suprised to see both go.
Wow, Metagross Ex went from having not one, but two very good non Ex evolutions to play with to absolutely none!
I'm dissapointed DS and LM are rotating as DS is probably the best overall set out currently. Whether you want to admit it or not the Holon Engine made some decks playable, losing cards like Transciever, Lass, Reseacher, and Farmer is going to severely limit what some decks are going to be able to do.
I see a very long season of Inferape based decks as there are almost no resistant to fire pokemon anywhere.
Probably got rid of so many so they can make next year's format DP-on.

Besides, I'm already planning my next deck...:p I'm looking forward to the Mystery of the Lakes released in the UK now. Ehehe. :p
I am sooo happy that DS is going to be rotated, I can't stand all theese Holon Engines. I don't really see the need to rotate LM, since it was released just a year ago. I am just worried for Holon Farmer. How will we get the KOed Pokemon back into play? Anyway I think that there will be soooo many energyless starters, why should we worry? Anyway I think that Infernape-Blaziken is really the only playable deck this year and probably also the next one. I really think that it could get a place between the first four at the worlds. Unfortunately Dragonvire will be played only in this format. Horray!! DS has been rotated!!
In DP2 there is a replacement for Holon Farmer

from PokeGym translations said:
Night Maintenance - Trainer

Search your discard pile for 3 in any combination of Pokemon and Basic Energy cards, show them to your opponent, and shuffle them into your deck.
Hey I am just curious, when they where getting rid of cards from expedition,aquopolis and skyridge was everyone getting upset then like they are now?
Not as much we are now. 5 main sets are being rotated out whe 3 sets were usually. 200 cards less to play with.
Why would Japan be getting EX Power Keepers if they already have the Diamond and Pearl set out already? Sounds like they are trying to steal our set ideas so they can copy the set but I could be wrong too so don't think I am crazy. That is what I think they are doing.:)
Atleast Holon Phantoms is Still on. But i don't think alot of decks will be stopped playing on Worlds. Metanite, MSN, Destiny etc. are just to good.

vanderbilt_grad said:
In DP2 there is a replacement for Holon Farmer

from PokeGym translations said:
Night Maintenance - Trainer

Search your discard pile for 3 in any combination of Pokemon and Basic Energy cards, show them to your opponent, and shuffle them into your deck.

That's a Nightly Garbage Run
This sucks. I am very P***ED! I can't beleive I can't use my Deoxys exs anymore or my Gengar EX or my Sharpedo EX and I just got it 4 days ago! What the FREAK!! Thank god I can still use my Rayquaza EX(d). They Better come out with better cards or I'm going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!