Pokémon - 10
1 Buzzwole FLI 77
1 Diancie {*} FLI 74
2 Passimian UPR 70
2 Passimian SUM 73
1 Blitzle LOT 81
1 Tapu Koko PR-SM SM31
1 Zebstrika LOT 82
1 Tapu Lele PR-SM SM45
Trainer Cards - 39
4 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
1 Energy Loto GRI 122
2 Brooklet Hill GRI 120
4 Lillie SUM 122
2 Shrine of Punishment CES 143
4 Guzma BUS 115
4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
4 Nest Ball SUM 123
4 Cynthia UPR 119
3 Escape Board UPR 122
1 Counter Gain LOT 170
1 Field Blower GRI 163
2 Professor Kukui SUM 148
3 Choice Band GRI 121
Energy - 11
3 Counter Energy CIN 100
4 Double Colorless Energy HS 103
4 Fighting Energy 6
Total Cards - 60
Load up the bench with passimians as quickly as possible with the ultra prism passimian to boost damage done to evolution pokemon and the diancie to boost damage on all your fighting pokemon. Buzzwole is a nice inclusion to do big damage on its sledgehammer turn for a one fighting energy drop (which always happens because we only play one-prizers). This is a crucial time to attack with buzzwole because it preserves your dce's (whiffing dce is almost always what causes us to lose). We also play counter energy as another way to attack when we are down on prizes and lele promo to rearrange damage when you can't one-shot something. I'm a bit torn on oranguru vs zebstrika in this deck. On one hand, zebstrika is more difficult to set up but on the other hand, oranguru doesn't provide us with the draw power typically needed. Definitely a debate to be had.
1 Buzzwole FLI 77
1 Diancie {*} FLI 74
2 Passimian UPR 70
2 Passimian SUM 73
1 Blitzle LOT 81
1 Tapu Koko PR-SM SM31
1 Zebstrika LOT 82
1 Tapu Lele PR-SM SM45
Trainer Cards - 39
4 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
1 Energy Loto GRI 122
2 Brooklet Hill GRI 120
4 Lillie SUM 122
2 Shrine of Punishment CES 143
4 Guzma BUS 115
4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
4 Nest Ball SUM 123
4 Cynthia UPR 119
3 Escape Board UPR 122
1 Counter Gain LOT 170
1 Field Blower GRI 163
2 Professor Kukui SUM 148
3 Choice Band GRI 121
Energy - 11
3 Counter Energy CIN 100
4 Double Colorless Energy HS 103
4 Fighting Energy 6
Total Cards - 60
Load up the bench with passimians as quickly as possible with the ultra prism passimian to boost damage done to evolution pokemon and the diancie to boost damage on all your fighting pokemon. Buzzwole is a nice inclusion to do big damage on its sledgehammer turn for a one fighting energy drop (which always happens because we only play one-prizers). This is a crucial time to attack with buzzwole because it preserves your dce's (whiffing dce is almost always what causes us to lose). We also play counter energy as another way to attack when we are down on prizes and lele promo to rearrange damage when you can't one-shot something. I'm a bit torn on oranguru vs zebstrika in this deck. On one hand, zebstrika is more difficult to set up but on the other hand, oranguru doesn't provide us with the draw power typically needed. Definitely a debate to be had.