More basics in KYJ.


Aspiring Trainer

I have one problem. I run KYJ, with 4 Yanma, 4 Horsea and 2 Jirachi. That's only 10 basics. And many times I mulliganed. Some more (2-3) should be good.

I don't wanna run Baby Pokemon, because it's just easy prize.

Any ideas what basics run? Or just stick with 10?

Manaphy or Cleffa, I guess. Whichever one floats your boat. You could run a third Jirachi, but that might be superfluous.
One Manaphy and one Cleffa. I know it would seem like you shouldn't run Manaphy due to low energy, but since you don't need energy for Yanmegga and you may occasionally need only one energy for Kingdra using one on Manaphy is not a big deal.
well you can get the energy back from the discard pile that you lose to manaphy. So it shouldn't be such a big deal.
Why not any babies? If you don't need them, you don't play them down. But both Tyrogue and Cleffa have a spot in that deck.

Also, even with 10 basics, you shouldn't end up mulliganing that much. That's one out of every six cards being a basic on average.
The only splashable cards in the format that fit your need is Manaphy, Cleffa, or Tyrouge. Anything else is hindering more than helping.

For the record, try stack shuffling. You need only 9 copies of a card to ensure that you get one within the first 7 cards of your hand. If you run ten, that is more than enough, if just barely.
2 (or just 1) Cleffa and a Tyrogue will do nicely.
They are easily searchable and actually not that bad in the active spot. Free retreat dude!
The only thing is that you may get donked if you start with a lone baby but the pros outweigh the cons
I disagree with adding babies to a list low on basics. If you add one or two babies, the odds of you scratching and still around the same, but now, it is more likely for you to start off with a lone 30 HP basic. Manaphy might work out, however, it might be a stronger investment to play a 2-1-2 Magnezone Prime line, if you have the cards.
I am playing KYJ right now. In my personal opinion, if you want to run more basics, have you considered adding in a line of Zoroark? You can have 1-2 more basics in your deck depending on how many lines you want to add. Also, it can help with your matchups against ZPS and ZPST.
Celebi23 said:
Also, even with 10 basics, you shouldn't end up mulliganing that much. That's one out of every six cards being a basic on average.
I did the math: there's actually a 25.9% chance of mulliganin with a seven-card hand if drawn from a 60 card deck with 10 basics.

Adding one basic makes this go down to 22.2%
Adding two basics makes this go down to 19.1%
Adding three basics makes this go down to 16.3%

So adding two basics moves the chance from about on in four to one in five. Adding three takes it to about on in six. I don't see what's wrong with the mulligan, as long as you can setup without getting a donk-loss.
eevee said:
I am playing KYJ right now. In my personal opinion, if you want to run more basics, have you considered adding in a line of Zoroark? You can have 1-2 more basics in your deck depending on how many lines you want to add. Also, it can help with your matchups against ZPS and ZPST.

This is what you should do. At a side event in Nats, I went 6-1, and the Zoroark tech win me at least 3 games. If your meta is full of TyRam, even better. I also ran a 1/1 Manaphy Cleffa split, so you can use each when you need them