More English “Journey Together” Cards Revealed!

It's crazy that you even need to justify yourself, anyone with a brain can see how ridiculous the market has become. Pokemon cards were already an expensive hobby before all this garbage and now it's just so much worse. Very hard to get excited for new sets like before.
then quit the hobby
go collect one piece or dragon ball
Your probally a pleb with no money
All qq because we are poor and dont wanna work
Ah yes. Insulting others with other viewpoints rather than acknowledging that the hobby is being bloated by scalping.
Maybe it isn't the not having money, and instead finding 50% increases on all products for the children's card game absurd.
"If Pokemon is too expensive, quit the hobby"? TPCi is doing a great job at mastering the capitalism this poster seems to love so much if this is our takeaway.
I'm looking forward to all of these pokemon!

But These 2 are my favorite! , what are yours!?

1741289714148.png#184 Lillie’s Clefairy ex
#186 Hop’s Zacian ex
Hard to be excited about this set when it's sold out multiple times on the Pokemon Center and booster boxes are $210 on the secondary market.
True, but what can we do? its just the craze for Pokémon now to be honest, it seems like this is how it will be for the upcoming year :/
Hold on, does that mean if your opponent takes out a single prize card with Lillie’s Pearl attached then they DON’T get a prize card. Because that is busted.