Pokemon Most Cute Pokemon (as for you)

Switchback said:
For me personally I think it has to be Umbreon. Over exposure to Pikachu has made me become immune to his cute charm.


but I think sheildon takes the cake
Nonono, this is epic win.

Salamence,Palkia,Manaphy,Mudkip,Magikarp and other pokes are all cute to me.

..I just love dragons/reptiles/fish, Don't mind me.
But they aren't cute. You just like them.

EDIT: Mew is slightly cute...
Zyflair said:
Hmm... I'm just questioning the Magikarp.

Um, yes, Magikarp is actually quite cute. It has really endearing qualities (the uselessness of it, the dopeyness of it, etc.), and the design is... XD I don't know, it's cute the way Bellsprout is cute. It makes you laugh and say "d'awwwww, that's so silly" instead of "KAWAII DESU NE."
If you put it that way, I suppose it makes sense...

but you're the first I've seen...
TehQiGl said:
Zyflair said:
Hmm... I'm just questioning the Magikarp.

Um, yes, Magikarp is actually quite cute. It has really endearing qualities (the uselessness of it, the dopeyness of it, etc.), and the design is... XD I don't know, it's cute the way Bellsprout is cute. It makes you laugh and say "d'awwwww, that's so silly" instead of "KAWAII DESU NE."

I prefer Feebas over Magikarp, cause feebas... I don't know it's so awesome....I guess I just like fish.
Mesprit FTW!!!!
Also where are you finding these pics, is there a cresselia one?:p

*edit* Never mind, found it.
Have fun looking in there, though Cresselia is not a favorite one of Japanese artists...