Chingling. Also, lileep.
Robot3300 said:Hippopotas, Kangaskhan, Lunatone, Solrock, Manectric, Burmy, Slugma.
I win at this game.
LuxTwo said:Mawile =/
Zyflair said:Mawvile is very popular among Japanese, actually.
I see a good number of suggestions (while some others imo are totally "lol you must be kidding").
However, I'd like to point out that none of you even mentioned Kabuto. Seriously, the fact that it's a simple design from a fossil just makes it easily forgotten.
DjJoe said:Id have to say the most forgotten is Mr Mime. Even after you got through the trading of Clefairy back in RB, they named Mr Mime something (even I forget what) else.
Also on my list: Clefable, because you never wasted a moonstone that way. Lickitung, because you could only find him by the Power Plant. And finally Relicanth, because you only really needed it to get the Regis.
ZoruaSnivyluver said:Delcatty, Skuntank, Luvdisc(I know we all hate it though), Clampearl, and Noctowl. I think a few of my other favorites are pretty unrecognized, but I'm not sure.