Pokemon Most memorable Pokemon Event

Hey :)

My most memorable pokemon event was my first Nationals, which conveniently happened like 3 weeks ago
Nice! :D Mines was, Well I had a lot.
Toys"R"US Arceus Event - I was so excited when they first annouced we would be getting Arceus. I was the first one to own an Event Arceus, Which is the only Arceus Event right now in the United States.

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Launch Party at Toys"R"US. I still have the Paper Pikachu Hat, Stickers, and the Coloring Pages.

10th Anniversary Mew Event - I was really happy when TPCi annouced the Mew Event. This is the first Event Mew I ever owned. I trained my Mew from Lv.5 and is now at Lv.100 with Pure Training.

Gamestop Celebi Event - I was also real happy when they annouced that we would finally be getting Celebi. The first time I actually got to batlle Giovanni in years, And the whole Time Travel Scene is amazing. This is the first Official Event Celebi that I ever owned and got on my own.

Victini Liberty Pass Event - I caught Victini on Liberty Island and saved it from Team Plasma. I'm taking very good care of it. Victini is one of my favorite new Legendary Pokemon from Unova.
For me my most memorable even was cities back in 2008. It was my first tournament besides the Stormfront pre release and it was really fun. I think I ended up placing 5th if I remember correctly. Another of my most memorable events was the 2008 Nationals. It was my first time and I screwed up soooo many things. My decklist was screwed. (I accidentally put 62 cards on the list like an idiot even though there was only 60 in my deck) Then my sleeves were illegal so I had to switch them which delayed my 1st round by 15 minutes. Then one judge got pissed at me because I was supposed to go talk to him about my deck but I went to the front desk instead of the judge's table so he got all mad. So basically by the end of the day the entire staff was mad at me one way or another. Ha ha. I felt like such a loser that day. :headbang
I've never been to an TCG, or Video Game Tournament such as Regionals or Nationals. Last fall, I wanted to go to HS:Triumphant Pre-Releases, But I never got the Chance to. I hope to go to an TCG Pre-Release sometime in the future.
teeboy23 said:
I've never been to an TCG, or Video Game Tournament such as Regionals or Nationals. Last fall, I wanted to go to HS:Triumphant Pre-Releases, But I never got the Chance to. I hope to go to an TCG Pre-Release sometime in the future.

Yeah! :) Pre releases are really fun! Especially since the atmosphere is usually more chilled out than other tournaments since it doesn't count towards premier rating. So usually people have more fun at pre releases. Plus you get a free deck box and promo card which makes it even better. :p You should try and go to the Emerging Powers pre release since that one's coming up soon. :D
Yes. I going to try and go if I can. I wanted those Celebi Sleeves they had at HS:Triumphant Pre-Releases.
Mine was the Deoxys Gamestop event. I got the 1st and 3rd ones given away in my City. The cashier at the local Chick-fil-A got the 2nd one. Despite this, that isn't why it is the most memorable to me. When we got to GameStop, they said the DS card that distributes the Deoxys wasn't working so we went to Chick-fil-A to get some breakfast (where I saw the cashier) then when we went back to GS (gamestop) at the time they said they should have fixed it by, it still wasn't working. They said that they would have to cancel the event for the store so we started to leave until one of the workers realized the DS that they were using for distribution was set to the year 2000 causing the card not to work. As soon as it was fixed I downloaded the first one when I looked over a few feet to my side there was the Cashier from Chick-fil-A (still in uniform) getting the second one.
Pokemon Worlds 2005.
I was a junior, with a Team Aqua starter deck(with a couple extra editions to it). I was a noob, just there to have fun. So, I go through qualifiers, having the time of my life, meet some other junior, with a gardevoir deck(who was actually good). He was my buddy the whole time. End of the day, don't win a SINGLE ROUND. Of course, then they announce, all juniors who participated made it to the actual World Championships! So, I get the free backpack, with all the free stuff, and the expensive 2005 World Championships promo cards, a Medicham ex in French, free cards from the unreleased set at the time, Unseen Forces(got a Steelix ex :D). Next day, I use the same deck, with a couple other additions, was interviewed a lot, got more free stuff, and a Birthday Pikachu, and won 3 out of 7 matches :D Got free food, hugged a Pikachu, did the Fire Red event to get Ho-Oh and Lugia, and so much more. Such a great time. Haven't missed a SoCal World Champs since
My Memorable pokemon event was my first Regionals in '08, when I placed 67th and my friend placed 68th, ((Out of 120.) This has always happened, I am always just one ahead of him at these) I had a lot of fun, met a ton of new friends and got to play my Leafeon/Glaceon and he played a Giratina. (Which was unfair, he played a Machamp deck with a Level X and lost, when he should have won b/c he forgot about No Guard xD)
I liked the State Championships where I made top 4. Remains to this day the only big tournament I've made top cut in.

The states before that, I lost top cut because I reminded my last round opponent to draw a card. (Topdecks rare candy. -_____-) I remember that one like it was yesterday. Stupid Serene Grace Togekiss.

The nationals in St. Louis (would've been 2009 I think??) was pretty fun. I met a bunch of pokebeachers including TofU, SotH, Zero, Mudkip, etc. I also happened to play a mirror match 4 times out of 8 rounds that day. .__.
Typhlosionwolf said:
For me my most memorable even was cities back in 2008. It was my first tournament besides the Stormfront pre release and it was really fun.
Dude, those were the EXACT SAME two events that started me off in the TCG O__O

Anyways, my most memorable event was probably States '08-'09 season. I ran this weird Houndoom G/Sharpedo RR Deck that I got 6th with. I believe I went undefeated until I hit an SP Toolbox in Top Cut. I lost badly to Toxitank in the first game and Dialga G in the second. From that moment on I knew I hated SP, and now I'm a part of Team Rogue :p
Man...I would love to compete in worlds, just once even if I fail so miserably and get kicked out for being so bad.
Most memorable moment for Pokemon?

It would had to be a local Video Game tournament, held within the town with several groups of friends playing several games all at once. Everyone would meet up on skype or whatever, discuss the times and whatever and play said game, 1 on 1, winner goes onto next round. Simple enough. A one time thing that I am upset never happened again.

As most of the games were CoD and Halo and boring stuff like that I entered for lulz, I noticed a small group of players hosting a Pokemon section. I convinced a few friends to join with me. Lv.50 open - 3 Pokemon a side. Noobs. I was a little annoyed that I couldn't blitz them all with Lv.100's but I made do. This was during the time of D/P being at its prime.
Anyway, I levelled up some Pokemon and made them all Lv.50 by the time I was ready for the first match. By now there had been a few players joined thinking they were awesome because they had legendaries and very powerfull moves, but no entry hazards or any idea of what the types were.

Cutting to the end, I had won every match and made it to the finals. This was already pretty tense. We met online and started the match, knowing nothing of each others team.
My team: (I was a noob back then so I went with my original favorites)
To this day, this battle stays as one of the most heated battles I have ever had within an RPG. And the most memorable moment of my Pokemon career.
I'm not gonna tell you the outcome. XP
I remember almost all of the ones I went to, but these are what I remember most:

My first BR:
Battle Road Spring, 2010. I went 3-3 at Regionals and wanted to do better. I took David Cohen's World Champion deck, got the cards for it, changed it a bit, and got a Flyphan. I ended up going 3-1, beating Gliscor, only losing to 2011 Nats runner up.

2011 VA Regionals:

I remember this because I got very unlucky, and when driving home I could see a tornado.

2011 Nats:
Wow. It was big. I remember the main tournament, the side one where I got third, hanging out with friends, and walking past some creepy guys in the hallway of the hotel. (sad but true) and my stitches in my ear.
Well, last year I won Worlds... That was good. Just kidding! Uhhh... I played at my first Tourny right after my Surgury, (I think my parents felt bad for me..). So I played Machamp Donk, (This was Feb, 21, 11) I played the Last years States winner in my last Game, (If I won, I would win the tourny) so, all of the kids there wanted me to win since he was so good. I ended up winning because he was playing LuxChomp. And that was kind of a auto loss. And most of the kinds there cheered for me. :). That was fun! I also had brought my Best friends with me. One is Lord of Rangers here.
All you people talk of championship thingys.... my mom wouldn't take me because apparently it would be "too expensive!"

My Shiny Floatzle(story in my Bio) or my Shiny Snivy...

TRU events were always awesome. I'm just smacking myself now because I told myself, "I don't need it" when Ash's Pika came around.

I got Black the day it came out. Therefore, Reshiram stickers, free Reshiram and Zekrom Stylus, two game holders, and a screen cleaner. All. for. free.
Also, I got a game half off. I knew I screamed at my mom I had to get Black the day it came out for a reason :D
We woke up at like 5 AM when it was the day Black and White came out. We kept asking our dad, 'When are we leaving to get the games?' But when we got to Gamestop I saw one of my classmates there.He was like all crazy. So I backed away slowly.

But also catching my shinnies. The stories are in my bio.
My most memberable?.....would have to be the 10th anniversery Mew event for HG/SS. I wanted a Mew for the longest time before that. Even in the R/S days. Mew was always a favorite for me. When I found out they were having the event I went crazy. I actually never had wifi at the time though. We were suppose to get it but when they said when they were coming, I realized that it was after the event was already over. SO i had to make my own "Taje your kid to work day" because the place were my mom works has wi-fi. Very good times. :D