Pokemon Most memorable Pokemon Event

My most memorable Pokemon moment would probably have to be when I signed up at league in 2005, I was new to the card game, everyone excepted me right away, I've made so many friends there over the years, I now play in tournaments, so many good memories. =') I'm getting goose bumps thinking about them. :)
the aura is with me8 said:
My most memorable Pokemon moment would probably have to be when I signed up at league in 2005, I was new to the card game, everyone excepted me right away, I've made so many friends there over the years, I now play in tournaments, so many good memories. =') I'm getting goose bumps thinking about them. :)
^This is probably one of the greatest things that can ever happen to someone - receiving a warm welcome on their first league visit.
mine is Pokemon rocks America 2005 and the Pokemon 10th Anniversary in 2006, I remember Pokemon Rocks had a stage where they would bring people onto stage to do things and then they would get prizes and stuff, they also had a lot of merch booths and a place where you would spin a wheel and they had a huge barrel full of pokemon packs and you could win them if you could name the pokemon the wheel landed on (i was only like 7 and i only went to it like 3 times if it was to happen again i would have done it a bunch more times) and i remember my friend pulled a rockets mewtwo ex from one of the packs he won, they also had gameboys with fire red and leaf green games that you could play, they also had a place where you could learn how to play the tcg and it was the first time i ever played the tcg game and now i'm really into it :p and I remember the 10th anniversary was almost the same, but they had a video game champion ship thing that my brother played in and you got a shirt ( i think i still have it :D) they also had a lounge where you could watch episodes of the second or third season of pokemon, i also remember one of the stores in the mall they held it in had base set packs, i bought a couple and i got a venesaur holo :D they also had events where you could get celibi in your game and another line where you could get 6 legendary pokemon or stage 2's from different games i got a latios, latias, blastoise, feraligatr, and 2 others i can;t remediable off the top of my head
Arizona States. 2011.

The format was stagnant. LuxChomp and DialgaChomp were the talk of the town, no one seemed to care about the little guy.

I cared about her. Glaceon Lv. X had brought me back into the game, and this was gonna be her last States. I had tried to use her the year prior at States, only to walk away 2-5. Not even enough for a shoeshine.

For me it wasn't about W/L records, player points, or the chance to be invited to Nats. No, it was pride that kept me there.

I was going to have a moment. And by Arceus I did.

5th round. I was 1-4. Determined not to walk away with only one win under my belt, I walked to the table at Gamers' Inn in Mesa, a lovely establishment, truly living up to its name. I hardly recall the deck I played, but it didn't matter. I was running a Glaceon Lv. X toolbox with other Eeveelutions teched in to give me the edge (specifically Espeon Prime and Umbreon UD, for lock-and-copy purpose.

I damn near blew my chances by nearly getting a penalty. Early-game misplay of a second supporter. The guy didn't even smile as he called a judge. Wouldn't let that stop me, though. We played. And damn it, he was close to killing me.

Then we went to time. I was down to 4 prizes, he was down to three. We had three turns to play out. On the first one, I set myself up. The board was ready. A plan brewed in my head. Second turn, he killed off a Glaceon. Another took her place. Third turn.

Glaceon Lv. X's Avalanche attack did 90 (with an Expert Belt) plus 20 to every one of his benched Pokemon, provided I flipped a heads. Three of the Pokemon on his bench were within 20 HP of dying, a result of a lot of lucky heads. His active would die either way, but if I wanted to win, I needed to flip a heads. Everything relied on that one dice.

I rolled it. I swear, the sound of it impacting the table was like a bell. But who would it toll for?


4 prizes in one shot.

I didn't even get close to top cut, but I walked away with something better.

A moment.
...I can share an experience of mine that was very similar to that.

I was playing at States one year and I was playing with a Dusknoir LV.X + Gardevoir SW build. Come the first round, I was playing one of my good friends, and I already knew what he was running: Wormadam Grass Cloak, Shaymin LV.X, and a few other Grass-types. It wasn't Leafeon tank (as RR wasn't out then), but it was something.

I get rolling pretty quickly, faster than he can, and get out Dusknoir LV.X ASAP, evolving once every chance I got (no Rare Candy, so it was Turn 4). I got my 3 Energy so I could use Darkness Mist (I ran the one with the Body then), and jump ahead taking 3 prizes. Unfortunately for me, I ran out of Energy at that point and didn't draw very many after that. He eventually KOs my Dusknoir LV.X and I use its ability to start spreading damage everywhere.

It got to the point where each of his Pokemon had 6+ damage counters on it, but then he finally drops his Shaymin LV.X giving them ludicrous amounts of HP. I, in the meantime, am still trying to overcome my terrible energy drought, whereas he just starts killing Basic after Basic I send up.

He's down to 2 prizes left; I send up my Kirlia with 2 Energy in the hopes that I will topdeck an Energy. His Shaymin LV.X has 50 damage on it, and everyone else he has in play has 130+ due to Thankfulness.
I topdeck an Energy. I attach it to Kirlia, announce my Telekinesis attack on his active Shaymin, bringing it to 90 damage - and thus 10 HP left. In between turns, Ectoplasm kicks in, giving Shaymin that last 10 HP necessary for a knockout, and as it is KO'd, his 3 Benched Pokemon get KO'd as well due to Thankfulness not working anymore, and all of them having damage counters way above their HP.

I take 4 prizes (one more than I needed) and eliminate his entire field.

Because of that single move, that one game has lived on in both our memories forever.
My most memorable is Movie 14 Victini Event since it was my first event. o_O.
The first time I beat a whole Pokemon game. As I didn't catch on to the video game aspect until Ruby/Sapphire, I only rented those ones, but, when Leafgreen came out, I got it on the first day and beat the whole game during the rest of the week. I still have that game too! Also, another event (not so memorable, but still cool) was being one of kids during the start of the Pokemon series.
My most memorable event was going to league for the first time and going to regionals for the first time and going to the b/w mall tour:)
The black and white pre-release, it was my first event and thats when the format shifted so all my cards were out of rotation D: but after that I continued buying cards and trading and now I have many legal cards. Another would have to be regionals this year in Indiana, I went for my birthday. It was so much fun
This might sound somewhat/really stupid, but I know, I'm going to remember for a while--My new run through of HG, when I had finally given up on an Umbreon, since I just couldn't make my Eevee happy, that when I was trying to get a Thunderstone from the Bug-Catching-Contest, my little Shade evolved into an awesome Umbreon, who single-pawdly slaughtered Morty's whole Ghost-Type team ^.^
What is with this thread going dead then coming back? Dx

Anyways... my most memorable event was either Nats 09 or Ohio States 08.
Hands down it's when that non-professor won the professor cup. I'm a professor and I'm not even mad -that was gold.
PokemasterKev said:
The Toys R us Mew event back in 2006 was my favorite. The first time i ever got an event pokemon. also traded my shiny slugma for a Space C deoxys there at some hardcore fans who had a pokemon tour shirts. Back then many people gathered and talked as we waited. nowadays i barely see anyone thanks to just walkign in. downloading and leaving. it maybe faster and easier now,.. but the fun is not there.

This is my first. I saw the notice about it in Nintendo Power, showed up at my local TRU, and joined the line of endless people. I brought Emerald and a friend's LeafGreen. So there was one guy sitting at a table with a GBA, R/S/E stocked with loads upon loads of Mew, and a link cable. One by one, everyone traded for it, and left. I showed off my almost-complete Hoenn dex to a few people (curse you Jirachi). I ended up trading away a Magikarp. :D But then I was told that I couldn't get it on LeafGreen (presumably because of time constraints). So after they opened up another line (the first was huge), I got in and pretended I hadn't gotten it. Heh.

The DP launch at the same TRU was interesting. I had no idea what I was really going to get that day, but I ended up walking out with Diamond, Pearl, a strategy guide, and two kits with styluses and cases. And I saw a friend who I hadn't had any contact with in a year. Awesome.

There was also the 2007 BR Spring, my first TCG event. The TO put an ad in the newspaper without a mention of the concept of formats or outdated. So after much preparation, I show up with a pyramid lined Base Charizard and Lightning deck, unsleeved. So I show up, and I'm told that the deck is illegal. Suddenly, dude-with-white-earbuds-who-I-never-saw-again shows up, convinces me to buy Infernape and Empoleon theme decks, helps me make a Fire/Steel deck and adds in a card that will remain one of favorites, Infernape Lv. X. I ended up going 1-3, but it was a great day, and I met a few friends that I keep in touch with.

The Manaphy event at TRU. It wasn't totally memorable, but it had a raffle of event Pokemon, complete with table drumrolls. I ended up with a fake Mew (later rectified with a Palkia a few months later) and a Celebi dex. Man, Ricky even knew how to pizzazz a distribution up.

Then there was States '08, my first event that was in a hotel. Not entirely memorable, but at one point, someone put out a box of various goods for anyone to take (er, I think, haha). I ended up with a first-party GBA link cable.

The same TRU had a Mystery Dungeon Explorers launch party. For something relatively small, it was pretty great. We had those dudes with the glasses hanging out by the DS games, trading people Spiritomb. We had the Pokemon tournament. The Chariblaze-scowls-at-the-kid-with-the-AR-Darkrai-and-gets-the-mom-mad moment. A small MK Wii tournament.

Worlds '08. I didn't even know Worlds existed, so I didn't go. :D I've regretted it since...

Er, a City Championship sometime in '08? I don't remember much, but I played against LunarWing in a side event. I played Gengar the Baller in some other one (he has a report of it somewhere).

One of the great ones was the weekend of Platinum and States '09 (States was on Saturday, Platinum was Sunday). A friend picked me up around 6 A.M. to go to States that was the farthest Pokemon event I'd been to yet. Randy (the general Florida States TO after Heidi kinda went Regionals only) sure knows how to run a States. He had it in a hotel on Cocoa Beach, right by an awesome sandwich place. There was the guy who sang a PokeGym song (I think this was right. Footage probably exists in the hands of someone). Big banners that wouldn't be out of place at Worlds (er, maybe they were from Worlds). An array of deck checkers, waiting to check your deck.

The Platinum release was really great. I and others show up before opening, to see a Pikachu Beetle outside the store, complete with tons of plushes. I was third in line to pick it up, and ended up getting the monstrous guide and two magnetic DS wallets (very awesome, I was shown them at the Regigigas event before they were released a month before). There was another tournament, which I lost pretty early in. The Regigigas and Shaymin events, both of which were over then, were given out again, perhaps illegally. Some lady cosplayed as Ash giving trivia contests (lost when she asked what Pokemon defied Ash first. I said Charizard. Oops.) Prizes, including gift cards. Nifty stuff.

I moved to Ohio in November that year, so I missed out on future states, regionals, and the HG/SS launch. Ah, well. I hope to add an actual Nats or Worlds to this list one day (stupid Nats, why u no at Origins anymore?).
My most memorable event was.......probably Regionals in 2010. I played Gardellade in Juniors and lost the first 2 rounds to people I knew. It stunk and I thought I was gonna do terrible. Then I got a bye. After that, I won the next 3 Rounds and somehow managed to pull of 16th place! I pulled a Typhlosion prime and a Jumpluff in my packs and it was a great day.
Mine was going to the B&W championships in DC. Me and my opponent each had one Pokemon left - our Serperiors - and they each had, like, 1-25 hit points. He used frenzy plant aaaand...


But hey, it was fun while it lasted, and I loved it :3
Oh yeah another memorable event I had was states 2011 in new jersey. I played a rogue sp deck called roguechomp (my fave deck, hence my name) and I went 5-0 in swiss and got third. The best part was that I donked somebody with a Roserade GL (RoseradeGL+Expert Belt+FlashBite x2= Sableye got donked!). That day I played 4 People I knew. XD
My most memorable (and first event) would have to be when I went to Pokemon Rocks America '05. It was really my first time being immersed with a bunch of other fans of the series. And it sure feels nostalgic thinking back to it.