Pokemon Most Overrated Pokemon


Aspiring Trainer
So.. In my opinion, the most overrated Pokemon is, no doubt, Pikachu. I mean, sure, Pikachu is a mascot, but there are so many Electric-types that are way better like Luxray, Jolteon and Manectric.

How about you guys? What do you think is the most overrated Pokemon.

Also, this is my first thread, please let me know if I made a mistake. ^^;
Black Kyurem.
Now, I understand what you guys are going to think; you're going to think I'm stupid.
But what does its physical movepool consist of?
Outrage...Fusion Bolt...Freeze Shock (lolfreezeshock)...Return...Shadow Claw...yeah, not much of a movepool at all. It doesn't even get good Ice STAB.
The only thing it IS good for is Choice Band Outrage. That's all it does, and that's all it's good for.
I totally agree! Pikachu is so overrated because all of us remember how overpowered he was in the anime. He pretty much slaughtered any Pokemon that got in his(her's) way. In the TCG and VCG he is pretty bad. Charazard is really overrated. I used to see so many kids saying "I can beat you because my deck has a charizard,' and then I slaughtered them. Free league points :p.That's my 2 cents anyways....

Oh and welcome to PokeBach! :cool:

I got totally ninja'd by you two....
DarkLuxray said:
So.. In my opinion, the most overrated Pokemon is, no doubt, Pikachu. I mean, sure, Pikachu is a mascot, but there are so many Electric-types that are way better like Luxray, Jolteon and Manectric.

How about you guys? What do you think is the most overrated Pokemon.

Also, this is my first thread, please let me know if I made a mistake. ^^;

First of all, I think you're awesome for having a Luxray username(Unless you try to impersonate me, cause I once got banned for someone doing that.)

On a more related note, the only people who actually like Pikachu are fan boys and people who don't know much about Pokemon. It's not really overrated if no one actually likes him.

As for an answer, pretty much any starter that's not Bulbasaur. "Hey I got dragon! I got a turtle! I got a monkey!" Well no, sorry, I got a freakin dinosaur frog made out of flowers and bullets.
To be honest, I think that Lucario is overrated. I agree, it's one of the most powerful Pokemon, but in every game it's available in, not including B2/W2, it either comes as an Egg really late game, or is only available post game. Is it really worth the time you take training it up to the same levels as the rest of your team? I also was going to post a rant about how too many people choose fire-type starters, but it seemed too rude.
Umbreon, and by extent the Eeveelutions

I blame the furries of the universe and everyone under 12 for this.
HypnoticLuxray said:
First of all, I think you're awesome for having a Luxray username(Unless you try to impersonate me, cause I once got banned for someone doing that.)

On a more related note, the only people who actually like Pikachu are fan boys and people who don't know much about Pokemon. It's not really overrated if no one actually likes him.

As for an answer, pretty much any starter that's not Bulbasaur. "Hey I got dragon! I got a turtle! I got a monkey!" Well no, sorry, I got a freakin dinosaur frog made out of flowers and bullets.

I'm not trying to impersonate you. My favorite Pokemon is Luxray, and my favorite Kingdom Hearts character is Riku who controls darkness. That's how my username was born.

Also, Bulbasaur is actually cool. Venusaur can 100% crit with Razor Leaf.
I want to remind everyone to put effort into your responses to keep this from turning into a negative favorites thread.

Dialkia198 said:
I also was going to post a rant about how too many people choose fire-type starters,

Could you elaborate?
omahanime said:
I want to remind everyone to put effort into your responses to keep this from turning into a negative favorites thread.

Could you elaborate?

Thank you for your efforts. I appreciate them.
Most legendaries. I've seen people who only have teams consisting of ubers with moves like Roar Of Time and Hyper Beam, and I've beaten them with relative ease using an NU team.
omahanime said:
Could you elaborate?

I wasn't going to say that nobody should ever choose Fire type starters, I was going to say how some people always choose Fire types without a second thought. However, I thought that my planned post about it seemed rude to people who did that because they actually liked Fire types or the Fire type Starter, so I switched it with a rant about Lucario.
i agree with monsterhunter909. pikachu is overrated because of the anime, which people don't even watch now. and charizard and mewtwo are pretty cool because they are a fire- breathing dragon and an alien, respectively, but everybody under the age of 9 is so hyped up about charizard and mewtwo.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
Umbreon, and by extent the Eeveelutions

I blame the furries of the universe and everyone under 12 for this.

Dangit, DNA. I feel like you do this to torture us.
Most overrated, eh? I'd have to say Arceus. It seems like every elementary school kid I used to know was all "ARSEEUSZ IS BEST!" and I was all "Um...Charizard?" And they were all "WHOS CHARZARDD?" Arceus is indeed the god of Pokemon, but he's just...kinda cliche and...I don't know. Not the most diverse Pokemon or the most interesting.
Pretty much every single legendary is overrated. Personally I consider them cheating. Nowadays every kid wants to battle you with their newly captured Zerkom, and I destroy with my Hydrgion.
You know, Hydreigon is overrated a bit as well. But I know what you mean - I prefer to just sweep uber teams using Blissey - or Starmie if I'm feeling more daring. (Sometimes I can sweep with Gliscor, but that's a bit trickier to pull off.)

Blissey is one of the most amazing things ever created.

Dangit, DNA. I feel like you do this to torture us.
nah; it's just you :p
Dialkia198 said:
I wasn't going to say that nobody should ever choose Fire type starters, I was going to say how some people always choose Fire types without a second thought. However, I thought that my planned post about it seemed rude to people who did that because they actually liked Fire types or the Fire type Starter, so I switched it with a rant about Lucario.

Thank you for thinking of my feelings.

Most overrated? Dunsparce, easily. I mean, yeah, it's a locust thing and it flies, but just look at it. The eyes. Who could love such a thing?