Most Valuable Cards from “Heat Wave Arena,” Misty’s Psyduck Places High!

Because it's a fuckin' scam dude. It's a grift to get people to spend way more money than they would. But more than that, it devalues the concept of extra numbered cards by having them become meaningless bullshit
I don't think you know what the definition of a scam is. Your (or anyone else's) inability to control yourself to not need to own every piece of shiny cardboard that comes out every couple months is not TCPi's fault. People like pulling them from packs so they made more of them, the horror.
Because you can still order, you need a Japanese phone number. It’s not sold out and they said a week ago there won’t be single packs for now. It’s not news, they said it over the past month how they will work this time.

Moreover they also said no new items before 14/3 since they restructured the website.
I haven't been able to find a pre order link.

I think the situation is terrible. That Eevee ser hasn't been on sale in a regular shop since launch. Battle partners boosters are something mythical and good luck finding the new set.

In the whole of Kansai I could find only one store that sells Battle partners for the normal price (although you are only to able to buy a few of them).
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I haven't been able to find a pre order link.

I think the situation is terrible. That Eevee ser hasn't been on sale in a regular shop since launch. Battle partners boosters are something mythical and good luck finding the new set.

In the whole of Kansai I could find only one store that sells Battle partners for the normal price (although you are only to able to buy a few of them).
That’s on you for not looking tho. The box is right there since the 14th, as I explained. There was no preorder. One per person, verified Japanese phone number.

Scalping was always a problem in Japan, and now that TCG scalping has became a global phenomenon, it is basically unstoppable.
I'm sorry, but since TPC is actively encouraging this, the only solution to this "investor culture" (thanks bitcoin) is to crash the market. Take a break from the game, stop buying product, or convince your friends to play some old format you already have cards for.

My issue is rather not that it was already bought up but that they don't deliver stuff to a main branche store. ;)
And lets just say it is one of the first and last contacts a lot of people have with the Pokémon brand in Japan.
That’s on you for not looking tho. The box is right there since the 14th, as I explained. There was no preorder. One per person, verified Japanese phone number.

Must have been a stealth announcement only available for a very short time. I checked every day last week. Even asked on reddit and no one had seen a announcement

It shouldn't be this ridiculous difficult though. You should be able to go to Joshin and buy a booster box. The current state of the Pokemon Trading card game has become unacceptable.

It's ridiculous last week Yodabashi Osaka had a line with hundreds of people in it to buy the battle partners box.
Must have been a stealth announcement only available for a very short time. I checked every day last week. Even asked on reddit and no one had seen a announcement

It shouldn't be this ridiculous difficult though. You should be able to go to Joshin and buy a booster box. The current state of the Pokemon Trading card game has become unacceptable.

It's ridiculous last week Yodabashi Osaka had a line with hundreds of people in it to buy the battle partners box.
I explained it. They send emails out over the whole month: they were renewing the website so they didn't list ANY new item for about three weeks. on the 7th we got a mail that the booster box will be available on the 14th. As I already said: that was known.
I explained it. They send emails out over the whole month: they were renewing the website so they didn't list ANY new item for about three weeks. on the 7th we got a mail that the booster box will be available on the 14th. As I already said: that was known.
I got a mail on Friday the sale got postponed.

Besides, nothing excuses how absolutely terrible they are handeling this. This is the third set in a row that's unobtainable.

It's been almost 2 months and there's still no battle partners reprint
I got a mail on Friday the sale got postponed.

Besides, nothing excuses how absolutely terrible they are handeling this. This is the third set in a row that's unobtainable.

It's been almost 2 months and there's still no battle partners reprint
had no Problems getting any of the sets. The demand is high though, like extraordinary high and that’s the situation we are dealing with. They will eventually reprint - like they did with clayburst. And all the singles are readily available. It’s not as problematic as you make it out to be.
If you are a collector, why would you care about the value of the extra numbered cards having a high value? Having more art rares means more cool cards in the set and it allows them to feature all pokemon in a nice way in the long term.
I care about people buying a million boxes to pull a moonbreon so I can't find any product on the store shelves thanks
had no Problems getting any of the sets. The demand is high though, like extraordinary high and that’s the situation we are dealing with. They will eventually reprint - like they did with clayburst. And all the singles are readily available. It’s not as problematic as you make it out to be.
I had to spend all Friday searching every 7/11 hoping they sold the new set. It was RNG upon RNG. Only was able to get 30 boosters.

Battle partners and this new set have like 74589 chase cards. TPC must have known demand would be high. Stores are selling boosters for 700 yen.

If demand is high the best solution is not add another Cynthia or Iono but print more. It's not fun anymore having to hunt for sets. I'm really starting to wonder if printing less is part of their strategy.