Mother Genger or GeChamp?


Cooler than a Bose-Einstein Condensate
What the title says: Mother Genger or GeChamp?

Please respond and say why! :)
First, what is your meta? Just like what Ghost said, GeChamp gets SP's. Mother Gengar is more for those power users and spread (like any Gengar deck) but with more use of Nidoqueen. So, we need to know the meta first.
I don't really like flip cards as they cost me too many games off of bad luck so I'd suggest Mother Gengar but either one is okay in the format.
Ok, thanks. I think I'll just stick with Mother Gengar. SP is not very popular in may area (I guess, seeing the Senior/Junior's decks in CC). However, many rely purely on Poke-Bodies and Poke-Powers, so I could abuse that.

Thanks for all the help! :)
I think you should play SPs to counter your meta :p Dialga G X with SPs. Dialga locks bodies and power spray the powers. Just a suggestion but from the two you said I would pick mother gengar.