Collecting Movie Promo Upside Stamp Error Card


Aspiring Trainer
Hello Everyone!

I have currently started collection Pokémon card here in the US and have stumbled upon a misprinted card and seem to not be able to find any sort of info on it. The card is a Promo MewTwo card from the very first movie and the golden stamp that is suppose to be in the top right corner is actually upside down in the bottom left. Can anyone find me some info on this card? How much is it worth? I am currently not selling it until I find out some specific detail. Let me know why you think! Thanks!

Moved from the TCG News & Discussion to the Collector's Showcase, as the OP is a collector asking advice on a misprint. ~bbninjas
This is a known error. All 4 of the movie promo cards were known to have some error prints with the logo upside down and in the wrong space. A bit of information as well as an image of the Mewtwo version of this error can be seen in this super old thread. It is certainly quite valuable, but because few make it to market, it's hard to place a value on it.
This is a known error. All 4 of the movie promo cards were known to have some error prints with the logo upside down and in the wrong space. A bit of information as well as an image of the Mewtwo version of this error can be seen in this super old thread. It is certainly quite valuable, but because few make it to market, it's hard to place a value on it.

Thank you so much for the information and the thread!!