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RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

CML for the following

1x Garchomp C X (PACK)
1x Luxray GL
6x Uxie (LP)
3x Garchomp C
2x Gengar (SF)
2x Vileplume (UD)
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

harro :3 im interested in these
x1 charizard*
x4 jumpluff hgss
x6 uxie la
x4 spiritomb ar 4rh
x2 gengar sf rh
x3 garchomp c
x1 palkia g lv.x
i have these:
x1 shining gyarados 1ST ED
x1 pokemon leafgreen game
and more lmk if we can work somefing out :3
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

80; Only really saw was Black pokeball sleeves and Donphan Prime.

Zokov; Make me an offer.
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

would you do:
Blastoise EX
Donphan Prime

For your:

LMK or counter :)
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

cml latias ex, 4 drawer, 4 dex
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

Squallo; No thanks.

Geo; I guess it's kinda hard to find things I want/need when most stuff on your list are Lv.xish rare. I guess easiest thing to do is lmk what you have on my wants? :p
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

i have unlisted stuff...and all the stuff u need is worth more than mine
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

could u do this?
leafgreen game
shining gyarados 1ed
charizard star df
x4 spiritomb ar

pls lmk
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

Could you check my list for a couple of league uxies as well as collector, communication and expert belt?
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

I have none of your wants up for trade, but could you CML anyway for your:
1x Dusknoir LV.X
1x Glaceon LV.X
xX Spiritomb PA
xX Uxie LA
xX Rare Candy
xX PokeCommunication


Actually, I got Pikachus...but only NH ones, so they might as well be throw-ins.
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

Zak; Lol no.

Jace; Only really looking for stuff on my wants list.

Hiki; Only saw lux x.
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

Please CML for x2 Vileplume UD and x4 Spiritomb (4 RH).
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

CML for the following

2x Garchomp C X (PACK ONLY)
1x PGX
2x Vileplume (UD)
2x Gengar (SF)
3x Garchomp C
4x Spiritomb (AR)(Main Want)
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

cml for:

charizard *
x4 Spiritomb (4 RH)
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

How many Pokemon Rescues do you have?
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

How about this

4x Spiritomb (AR)
2x Vileplume (UD)
2x Garchomp C

1x Black Pokeball Sleeves (SEALED)
1x Donphan PRIME

Feel free to counter if u dont like the deal
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

I have
x1 Super Mario 64
x4 Sableye (SF RH)

I am interested in
x1 ERL Top
x1 ERL Bottom
x1-6 Uxie (League)
x1-2 Vileplume UD
RE: mr.619's Thread- Need Luxray X,Uxie X and more! HELP ME BECOME A VERIFIED SELLER! :D

CML for the following

3x Garchomp C
4x Spiritomb (AR)
2x Gengar (SF)
2x Vileplume (UD)
1x Greatball Playmat
1x Gengar X
RE: mr.619's updated trade thread.

CML for my dialga g lv. X for 15 fire energys (dont care whatever as long as there energys) and 6 lightning energys. I know this is bad because level x for energys but im desprate i need them bad so yea please contact me.
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