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Mr. $eismoneytoad and the Black Angry Bird (Yveltal EX / Yveltal / Garbodor / Seismitoad EX)


Aspiring Trainer
↓I go regionals w this↓

  • 3 Yveltal EX (XY/PROMO)
    2 Seismitoad EX (FUF)
    2 Garbodor (DRX/PLF/LT)
    2 Trubbish (DRX/LT)
    1 Darkai EX (DEX/PROMO/LT)
    1 Yveltal (XY/PROMO)
    1 Dedenne (FUF)
    1 Jirachi EX (PLB)

  • 4 Professor Sycamore (XY)
    4 N (NV/DEX/PROMO)
    2 Lysandre (FLF)
    1 Bianca (EP/BCR/LT)
    1 Colress (PLS)
    1 Dowsing Machine (PLS)
    2 Virbank City Gym (PLS)
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser (PLS)
    4 Ultra Ball (DEX/PLB/PLF/FLF)
    3 Muscle Band (XY)
    2 Float Stone (PLF)
    2 Bicycle (PLS)
    2 Energy Switch (BW/LT/FUF/OlderSets)
    1 Professor's Letter (XY)
    1 Switch (BW/BCR/XY/OlderSets)
    1 Escape Rope (PLS)

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy (NXD/XY/OlderSets)
    8 Darkness Energy


I want maybe some Mew2 EXs

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Mr. $eismoneytoad and Black Angry Bird (Yveltal EX / Yveltal / Garbodor / Seismitoad EX)

That looks like a really solid list, so I don't really have any recommendations. My only question is if 10 draw supporters has been working for you. I play with 12 and that occasionally seems like too few. Anyway, good luck at Regionals!
RE: Mr. $eismoneytoad and Black Angry Bird (Yveltal EX / Yveltal / Garbodor / Seismitoad EX)

I wrote the list was only 58 cards. The missing cards are 2 Bicycles.
I have now 12 draw cards.I think 10 Supportters and 2 Bice is enought :D
Looks like a good list but from analyzing the results of other Regionals in the past few weeks, you will have about 50% of your games be mirror matches. In order to do better against other Yveltal/Toad/Garb decks you should include 1 or 2 Dedenne (FFI). I reccomend taking out an Yveltal for a Dedenne. MewtwoEX should also be a one-of but I'm not sure what you'd feel most comfortable taking out. Personally, I'd take out the Escape Rope because you already have 2 Lysandre.

Good luck at Regionals!
I played somewhat of a similar deck this past weekend except I had raichus instead of garbodor. Throughout my 9 rounds, I found that I used Mewtwo EX only once. So to me, it was not worth the space. I would take out either an Yveltal or Seismitoad EX for a Dedenne. Good luck! =)