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MTC (Mewtwo ex, Tornadus, Celebi prime) need help

k klowners

Aspiring Trainer
11 pokemon
4 Celebi
4 Tornadus
2 Mewtwo
1 shaymin UL

35 Trainers
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Pokemon Collecter
4 Cilan (for energy consistency)
4 Duel Ball
3 Junk arm
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
2 Professor Juniper
2 Eviolite
1 Fisherman (in case of emergency energy shortage late game)

14 Energy
10 {G}
4 {C}{C}
60 cards total

Any thoughts anyone? I know people are not going to want me to have fisherman or cilan but after some play testing I was able to get my energies out really fast and just in case Mewtwo dies, I can use fisherman and then junk arm it the next turn to place on the 2nd Mewtwo or Tornadus. I do not want a Terrakion because it's not consistent enough.
You might want to swap one Tornadus for Regigigas EX.

Regigigas EX works very well since it can use DCE and it can survive just about anything whereas Tornadus is easily OHKO'd.
Fixed. I replaced a Tornadus with Regigigas. With duel ball and pokemon collector, I shouldn't have to worry about not finding pokemon without having an extra Tornadus.
This is definetly the best list for this deck!

Please say more than this. If this is all you can say, don't post at all ~Glaceon
- 1 Fisherman
- 4 Cilan
- 1 Gigas EX
- 2 Switch

+ 1 Tornadus
+ 3 Professor Juniper
+ 2 Pokegear 3.0
+ 2 Junk Arm

Regigigas EX is awful in this deck. It's been tested, and people would rather go for a consistent Tornadus over a Regigigas who hits practically nothing for Weakness and is OHKOd by Terrakion. Honestly, I'd go back to 4 Tornadus, and Cilan isn't even needed in this deck. I would drop it and the Fisherman (seriously, this deck doesn't have Energy issues) for 2 more Pokegear and 3 Professor Juniper or Sage's Training for consistent draw. Also, you need 1 Switch at max, maybe none at all, because of Skyarrow Bridge. Try dropping 2 and max out your Junk Arm count.
There are way too much cilan. Getting out energies probably won't be a problem. You should add more drawing supporters. Maybe max out junk arm. Is both 4 collector and 4 dual ball really necessary?