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MTC - need advice again.

RE: MTC - how it should be run.

petertclo said:
I tested Terrakion with basic fighting energy, and the problem is I can't find the fighting energy easily.
Would a tech of say Energy Exchange Unit help? The list is pretty tight though.
Yes, the energy exchanger tech helps a lot. I would play 1 more Fighting/Prism than you have Terrakions. LAte game, you will usually have a Fighting in your hand and it's really easy to search out Terrakion.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

iisnumber12 said:
Yes, the energy exchanger tech helps a lot. I would play 1 more Fighting/Prism than you have Terrakions. LAte game, you will usually have a Fighting in your hand and it's really easy to search out Terrakion.

I lost a game to a Tyram/Magnezone because I had Terrakion but couldn't draw into one of 2 Fighting energy.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

petertclo said:
I lost a game to a Tyram/Magnezone because I had Terrakion but couldn't draw into one of 2 Fighting energy.

Were you running Energy Exchanger? You could also put in energy retrieval. What you would do is attach a Fighting to a Mewtwo or Tornadus, let it get KOed, then Energy Retrieval it.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

iisnumber12 said:
Were you running Energy Exchanger? You could also put in energy retrieval. What you would do is attach a Fighting to a Mewtwo or Tornadus, let it get KOed, then Energy Retrieval it.

Wasn't running either.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

Has anyone considered what to use as a mirror tech? I mean, it can always come down to who sets up fastest, but it'd be better if there's a tech against mirrors. I'm considering Zekrom or Thundurus, but they each have their own pros.


-Can use DCE
-More HP
-Does more damage for 2 Electric/1 Colorless


-Can search out it's energy
-Smaller Retreat cost

I've been thinking of Thundurus over Zekrom simply because it gets it's own energy out. Zekrom can Outrage for just DCE, but it has to have damage on it in the first place, and it's harder to draw into an Electric than to search it out. Of course, if you were to just use Prism instead of the actual energy, Zekrom would be the pro choice since you can't search out Prism energy. Opinions?
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

Against a mirror, just get luckier.
It's hard to tech against MTC because the only thing it is weak to is Magnezone, and it's hard to tech one in an MTC.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

I threw in a Zekrom in mine, since its easier to use DCE than to add another energy line, but I haven't had a chance to try it out. If anyone wants to test the mirror match with me, PM me.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

After a lot more testing...
Big problem with MTC is that it finds it hard to deal with Reshiram and Zekrom.
They hit for 120, so 1-hit Tornadus, and 2-hit the EX. Meanwhile their 130 HP makes it hard to OHKO.
Anyone have ideas?
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

petertclo said:
After a lot more testing...
Big problem with MTC is that it finds it hard to deal with Reshiram and Zekrom.
They hit for 120, so 1-hit Tornadus, and 2-hit the EX. Meanwhile their 130 HP makes it hard to OHKO.
Anyone have ideas?

Zekrom can be taken out with Terrakion assuming your using one. Reshiram is hard to get rid of due to the fact Water weakness cna only really be hit with Kyurem, which doesn't work in MTC. I'd say just Catcher up their Reshiram before they can get it set up.
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

Zorua said:
Zekrom can be taken out with Terrakion assuming your using one. Reshiram is hard to get rid of due to the fact Water weakness cna only really be hit with Kyurem, which doesn't work in MTC. I'd say just Catcher up their Reshiram before they can get it set up.

For the Tyram matchup, should I just keep catchering the Typhlosions and 2-hitting them?
That's pretty much trading 1 prize for 2 though...
RE: MTC - how it should be run.

You have speed over Tyram. Catcher Cyndaquils to take the prizes before they can fully set up, then you can afford to do a 1-2 prize trade with them. Alternatively, you can Bench the Mewtwo a bit earlier and Shaymin energy to it in order to run over Typhlosions in one hit.

I would take out the 4th junk arm and put a Cleffa. I also would change the pokegears for two more N.

PUAthelas said:
I would take out the 4th junk arm and put a Cleffa. I also would change the pokegears for two more N.

I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with you.
Junk Arm is key to this deck; being able to use any trainer in the discard pile at will is central to stealing 6 prizes.
N has hurt me more than it has saved me; I wouldn't want an N when I had 2 prizes left and needed a hand refresh.

Anyone have ideas on what to remove in order to add Energy Exchanger?

PUAthelas said:
I would take out the 4th junk arm and put a Cleffa. I also would change the pokegears for two more N.

As petertclo said, Junk Arm is key in this deck. Junk Arm gets you back many different trainers and you almost can't win a game without playing at least 2. IMO, Cleffa is also unneeded. I personally like Smeargle over Cleffa because it doesn;t waste your attack and has 40 more HP. The Pokegears for N idea isn't bad though. I like to have more supporters over Pokegears because you play most of your supporters and you don't want to run out. You also sometimes have to Juniper and Junk Arm them away, too.

P.S. Not to mini-mod, but your titles shouldn't be in all caps. (Learned that the hard way)
This is my current build. I'm trying to make room for some techs (Mainly Terrakion) but this build is insanely solid. I went 9-1 a few days ago when testing with friends.

Pokemon (13)
1 Shaymin (UL)
1 Shaymin EX
1 Regigigas EX
2 Mewtwo EX
4 Tornadus
4 Celebi (Prime)

T/S/S (34)
1 Super Rod
2 PokeGear 3.0
2 PlusPower
2 Energy Exchanger
2 N
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Professor Juniper
4 Dual Ball
4 Junk Arm

Energy (13)
4 Double Colorless Energy
9 Grass Energy

If I made any edits they would probably be
-1 Tornadus
-1 Shaymin EX
-1 Skyarrow Bridge
-2 Grass Energy
+2 Terrakion
+3 Fighting Energy

Iunno. I'm not totally sure. It's so hard trying to find space for this techs in this deck.
i reeeeeaaaaallly like this deck but i feel like the fact that it lacks a high damage output really cripples it in this format. going by the list in your first post (assuming you've been updating it) i'd take gigas out for a start. magnezone's powerful presence in the meta means pretty much every deck that can is teching in a terrakion or two, similar to how you have. if you don't believe me take a stroll though the deck sections here or on the gym and you'll see a lot of mewtwo/tornadus/celebi, google, tyram ex, 6 corners, and even some magneels are teching it, which spells bad news for the gigas, the poor 2 prize, ohko-able sitting duck. i also don't think you really need N in here and would probably bump the PONT count up one as well as gear. dual ball is good, but collector is too good not to put in here. i personally like a 3/3 split between the two. smeargle is also something that this deck can use really effectively, you might consider running one. 4 junk arm, 2 pp, and 2 eviolite are all really good, so kudos on that. i've found energy exchanger to be pretty mediocre, with all the draw power you are running you can usually just draw into what you need. i also really like virizion in this. my list looks something like this (not 100% accurate though, just off the top of my head)

3 Tornadus
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Virizion
4 Celebi
1 Smeargle
1 Shaymin EX
1 Terrakion

3 Collector
3 Catcher
3 Skyarrow Bridge
4 Junk Arm
3 Switch
3 Eviolite
1 Pokegear
3 Juniper
3 Dual Ball
1 Super Rod
2 Plus Power

7 Grass
2 Fighting

i've kinda given up on this deck because of the damage cap but hopefully you'll find success with it.