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Soccer Mom
3 Tornadus'
4 Celebi
3 Mewtwo
1 Shaymin
1 Shaymin EX
1 Terrakion

3 Switch
1 Supah Rod
4 J arm
4 Juniper
3 Catcher
4 Dual Ball
3 Bridge
2 N
2 Eviolite
2 Pokegear

9 grass
2 Prism

Gigas EX
+ power

I get the t1 'bout 30% of the time.[/font]
I would suggest taking out a Mewtwo EX for a Smeargle. Your opponent only needs to take 6 prizes, 4 off Mewtwo, 1 off Tornadus, 1 off Catchering Celebi. You will never use all 3 Mewtwos, and Smeargle is great with Skyarrow.
I would recommend bringing Eviolite down to 2, Pokegear to 2, and grass to 9. Eviolite really doesn't save you much unless you attach it to Tornadus, and even that isn't all too helpful. With 10 draw supporters, you should be fine and wont need 3 Pokegear, especially with 4 Junk Arm. I've found 9 is a really good number for Grass energy since you already have 4 DCE. I would put in 1 Terrakion and 2 Prism with those 3 open spaces. Terrakion is essential for the Eel matchup, and is a great revenge killer. 2 Prism is always enough, and having only 1 Terrakion increases your chance of having it prized, but makes it very unlikely for you start with a lone Terrakion, which is purely awful.

-1 Eviolite
-1 Pokegear
-1 Grass Energy

+ 1 Terrakion
+ 2 Prism Energy
I think that regigigas may be a good tech in here since it has good attacking, a high hp, and good stalling power. It may fit pretty well in this deck in my opinion. Terrakion would be better fitted to this deck for a better match up against electric decks including Zekrom and Magnezone and eelektrik decks, though 1 or 2 both seem fine.
I must disagree with Terrakion.
From my experience playing Eelzone, it does not fear single Terrakions. Zekrom + Pluspower and the Terrakion is out of business.
Now if the deck runs a lot of them it would be different, but 1-of techs don't work.
If you run Shaymin UL you should run seeker or ssu, and I would play pluspowers for the mirror and other macth ups against Mewtwo Ex decks.
petertclo said:
I must disagree with Terrakion.
From my experience playing Eelzone, it does not fear single Terrakions. Zekrom + Pluspower and the Terrakion is out of business.
Now if the deck runs a lot of them it would be different, but 1-of techs don't work.

Terrakion is usually used with Eviolite for that sole reason. You can also always use it to take out benched Magnezones with Catcher. You could always use Rescue or another Terrakion if a 1-of isn't good.