Finished Murder II: Council of Legends: The Game has Ended, LATIOS WINS, Murder III Host announced! [Sponsere

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RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

*stops time and opens door to check* *unfreezes time* What is it lugia?
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

red blastoise said:
My powers don't work on legendary's.

"How convenient for you..."
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

"No one seems to be noticing that Dialga was murdered." :-/

"Anyways, the letters S, R, and B are all in red blastoise's username, however, that's not exactly a good lead."

Horses Are Powerful Puppies Yakking So Teletubbies Pour Aloha To Rick Istley's Car KeyS Dumbly Annoying You, Echinoderms Veer Endlessly Rolling Yammingly On No Elephant!
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

42 chocolate said:
"No one seems to be noticing that Dialga was murdered." :-/

"Anyways, the letters S, R, and B are all in red blastoise's username, however, that's not exactly a good lead."

Horses Are Powerful Puppies Yakking So Teletubbies Pour Aloha To Rick Istley's Car KeyS Dumbly Annoying You, Echinoderms Veer Endlessly Rolling Yammingly On No Elephant!

"That's even more pointing to them...."
Vote: Red Blastoise
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

sonicyellow said:
*stops time and opens door to check* *unfreezes time* What is it lugia?
"Well, you just walked in there and locked the door.... what were you doing and why didn't you answer?"
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

lol i could tell that said happy st. patrick day after reading HAPPY S

@lugia - *is in deep trance ......
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

"Celebi.... Celebi...."

*snaps fingers*

"Uh.... Celebi?"
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

Again Celebi, you're still having those flashbacks of that 'dance' you did with your kin.
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

OOC: Ice - im pretending you didn't say that :p

IN: huh? what we're we talking about?
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

"You just.... zoned out. Do you know what's going on?"
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

Im pretty sure. Dialga died, then the murderer left the clues right? then someone found out the R could also be....*in trance* ...
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

*shakes Celebi*

"Celebi, snap out of it!"
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

sonicyellow said:
OOC: Ice - im pretending you didn't say that :p

IN: huh? what we're we talking about?

OoC: It was a reference to Pokémon 4 Ever. (4th Movie)

IC: Celebi, Celebi...


*Goes into trance as well as Celebi*
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

umm... Entei? Snap out of it!!

Guys, please take a look at cresselia's picture. Notice the pink crescents are in the shape of an R
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

Wouldn't the murderer be smart to make leads pointing to me? it'd be the perfect distraction.
I do not have type advantage over rayquaza, and I don't have a motive.
To add on, darkrai is also suspicious, and he would be the one hating me and pointing the clues to me. So he doesn't has to do it himself.

OoC: if time traveling is illegal, because it would make the game too easy, then I think reading the goodness or badness in people is illegal too.
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

OK people, please, how is darkrai suspicious at all?
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

He's online most of the time, but he isn't saying anything.
DaRkRai's color is Black and he is a Shadow pokemon.
Then the S might be just an S, it could also be superman, both darkrai and superman fly, and both look human-ish.

I do not know for sure if he is the one, everyone could be it.[/color]
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20


No-where in Pokemon XD or Colosseum is there a shadow darkrai.
RE: Murder II: Council of Legends: Day 2 Ends at midnight 3-20

Thats not what I meant, I mean he is a dark type, and being a dark type has it's concequenses. It could be a mental disease the murderer has. Like kleptomania, but for murderers.
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