Finished Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Joeypals!! Wins

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42 chocolate

Murder III: Deep Dark Cavern
A Sequel to "Murder II: Council of Legends"

Having been assigned with the task of leading the Murder game, Darkrai teleported to an underwater cavern. Many water Pokémon were swimming about in the cavern, and Darkrai randomly grabbed one.
“Listen,” he said, “You are the murderer. You will kill someone each night, but not before telling me who. Okay?”
“Okay, then…” the Pokémon smiled, then resumed swimming along his pals. Darkrai smiled and waited for the moment of revelation.
Hall of Fame

Rules (Make sure you read them, I’ll be doing things a little differently then Guy :))

This game is very simple. 20 people sign up and will roleplay as Pokémon in a crowd, a murderer included. Once 15 people sign up, Night 0 will start, and the murderer will PM me the name of someone they wish to die. Once Day 1 starts, the others will speculate about who they think is the murderer, and vote for the person they end up thinking is the killer. A random vote will be selected among the votes.

Each night, the murderer will PM me the name of someone they wish to die, along with how they kill them and any clues they wish to leave. The murderer must leave at least one clue every other night.

A game day lasts 3 real days, and a game night lasts two real days.

The murderer is at any time in the game able to choose an accomplice (They will do this by PM) who is then also able to kill people and bring the total killings up to double! But the accomplice also has the choice to turn in the murderer at any time and get them killed, thus having everybody alive win the game. However, if the accomplice accepts they could also be killed by the murderer at any time! So watch out! If the killer is murdered and the accomplice is still alive they can choose to resign and take the alive points or become the real murderer

Once you are dead you must not talk to people about this game and about who the murderer is, because that would cause the game to fail.

Do NOT talk to others via PM, email or anything else about this game

Do NOT edit posts

No duplicate Pokémon

So we can tell what you are talking about at the beginning of your post in
"IN" = In character
"OoC" = Out of character

If you break these rules once you will be given a warning, and twice you shall be modkilled!

To sign up, simply post in this thread telling me what Pokémon you would like to be (it must be a water Pokémon), and an image of it (must be smaller than 200x200. If not, it will be sized down.)

1. Crystal Hikara

2. sonicyellow

3. Joeypals!!

4. fortegoddx

5. Snorchu

6. shadoworganoid

7. Guy89

8. mammaluigi

9. Shoyru1444

10. Ice Espeon

11. sillykyle!

12. red blastoise

13. Tristan

14. Freak :p

15. Nod3
Members marked with an 'X' are members of the CoG (Council of Ghosts.) Members marked with strikethrough are modkills.

1. helloword
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

I'm in! Sign me up as a Vaporeon please! :D

Gimme a bit on the picture though.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!



EDIT: damnit ninjad. i regret to inform you that i will not be playing in this game (yes i am serious)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Aww, you two stole mine! Fine...

Playful, no?
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

So sonicyellow can play, would either Crystal or sy be okay with being shiny Vaporeon? Technically, it wouldn't be a duplicate. ;P

Putting you guys on the list, will be updated in a few minutes.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Only 10 minutes and almost 33% of the spots are filled! This game is more popular than I thought! Although it will be hard, it looks like it will actually start tomorrow!
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

@sy & Crystal: Anything for my customers. ;D

Wait, what customers? ._.

Also, I changed my mind about the image sizes. Anything larger than 125x125 will be shrunk down to that exact size. I apologize for any distortion caused.

(Speaking of images, I'm still waiting on Crystal. ;D I'm not rushing you or anything.)

@Joey: Sorry, little chance of that happening. I'm really busy tomorrow.

dang running this game is harder than I thought...
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

joey - yet all of those spots were filled in the duration of 2 mins

lol 42. also thanks for being the first person to put my name correctly with no caps and or spaces on something i signed up for
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

D: Sorry 42. I won't be able to get you the picture today, because I'm on the Wii and, well, I can't really do much of anything to get picture URLs here. :/ Sorry, I'll try to get access to the computer tomorrow for my pic!

And awwwwwright, I'm more than ready to start this party. I was kinda like sobbing at the whole XD thing so HOPEFULLY (provided I'm not killed off Day 1 by the murderer) I'll be able to be of some help. ;0
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Not too late? Then sign me up!

Don't make any jokes, but I'll be a...

RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Props to Snorchu for finding a decent picture smaller than 125x125.f

shadoworganoid said:
EDIT: Mudkip and swapmert are different.

No, I thought Swampert meant "shiny Mudkip" in Japanese. [/sarcasm] ;D
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Now that I think about it, based on the ending of the last game, its easy now to just continue this game over and over.
But with a new theme each time.
Like next game could be Grass types....
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!


Does it really matter during sign-ups? The murderer hasn't even really been decided yet.

42, I'mma be gettin' a custom pic done for originality's sake tomorrow. :B

But IMHO, what's the point of the pictures anyways? Why not just type what kind of Pokemon we are (and use different colors, if shiny applies) besides our names?

...also, just call me Maelstra in character. ;D Hahaha...
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