Finished Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Joeypals!! Wins

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RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

All rules except forum rules anyway. This looks like it is going to be fun like last time, but I am hoping it is not nearly identical! (Especially on my part)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

42 chocolate said:
Sorry Snorchu, game hasn't started yet, rules don't count D:

Exactly, PLUS, AFTER I posted my character choice, I then noticed someone else posting to be a mudkip. So in that case, an "Edit" is needed.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Needs bettar clues too. I mean, yeah, XD was a giveaway, but I'd like to see something more subtle than that and more sensical than the rest of the clues. :B If you ask me at least.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

I propose that each time someone is killed, one of us is RANDOMLY PM'd a basic clue from 42 Chocolate.

Think about it, in a real life crime scene, there is always a wittness. That would work well in this game too because the rest of us have no reason to belive it, so it might help the game or hurt it.
To the others, it may just be pointing fingers. A perfect element.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Crystal Hikara said:
But IMHO, what's the point of the pictures anyways?

uh.. um... uhum... tradition.

Don't forget to color the original picture purple instead of blue.

As for the clues, they're up to the murderer now, as I never really understood how Guy related the murderer to the clues.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!


^why it doesnt count before the start

EDIT: actually shiny vapy is pink
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Oooooh, I like that suggestion! Just think about it- false clues, false accusations, the villain secretly having a chuckle at how pathetic the Pokemon are? Needs moar drama!

IDK if that's what you had planned and/or it could be changed, 42, but I definitely think that would make the game more interesting.

Edit: oh noes, I'm editing! WHooooo!

Murderer! Whomever you will be! Go with the awesome idea! ;0
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Good idea! I did not even think of that! Also, 42C, want me to drop the red text for this game, or can I keep it?
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

shadoworganoid said:
Exactly, PLUS, AFTER I posted my character choice, I then noticed someone else posting to be a mudkip. So in that case, an "Edit" is needed.

*hides away in shame*

And to 42c: Nice idea, I'm all for it.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

I would like to be.....


RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Just looked again at the rules. The concept of a Night 0 is interesting because no one knows anything except for the murderer. I just hope that that night's kill goes to someone who does not post frequently enough to contribute much to the game.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Oh, I didn't see that. I'll be.....



RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

I want to play my game now!

Imma Be a Lapras!
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Too bad Sally's not a water type...:B

Dangit, Snorchu, don't go giving the murderer any [negative] ideas! Rofl, active members will be picked off very quickly in that manner...
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

o_O no, not the active members! *runs*

/me is the most active member on a somewhat popular forum *
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Ah, finaly.
I want to sign up please
Imma be Empoleon.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

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