Finished Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Joeypals!! Wins

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RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

List of Water-type Legendaries
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Psy I had to do some work (BTW psyduck is my favorite PKM)

RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Ice Espeon said:
Lugia isn't a water type Pokémon so that isn't possible.

I can do a banner once everyone is signed up.

I could also do this. may I 42?
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Even though my sig is a bad example, I can do one too. Heck, we could all do one :p
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Nod3: Sorry, but Lugia is not a water type Pokémon.

Snorchu: Thank you, but I have the capability of keeping the game in shape by myself. :)

People who signed up: Added you to the list.

red blastoise, sonicyellow and Ice Espeon: I don't particularly need a banner, but if you would like to make one for players to use in their signatures, it's fine with me.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

ah. nevermind then

yay 13 ppl. all we need now is crystal's pic and 2 more ppl
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

42 chocolate said:
red blastoise, sonicyellow and Ice Espeon: I don't particularly need a banner, but if you would like to make one for players to use in their signatures, it's fine with me.

I can make both (see my work in Big Brother)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Wel, if he doesn't need one, why'd you make one?
And I think we can all do both.

One for in one's signature:

RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

I would like to join as a Lanturn.

RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

ARGH *grabs manaphy*
Even if I hate ya you'll be me *throws manaphy in registration package*


No marshstomp!

No kyogre!

Do kyogre!!!!!!!1111
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

This is gunna be one heckova game. :3

We have 15 people now, right? :X If I count correctly...OMGWEGETZTOHASSTARTSNAO?!
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Signups Open!

Let's wait for 42C to officially start it. Besides, you never sent in the picture you need. :p
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Night 0 Starts!

Night 0 has officially started. I will post an update after the murderer PMs me.

The murderer has already PM'd me, surprisingly!

Suicune was swimming along, minding his own business
when suddenly, a paw grabbed him, dragging him to the surface!*
Suicune couldn't see, and with extreme despair
attempted to cry out "what's happening? Who's there?"
It was, of course, too late, despite Suicune's dire
cries, the murderer used Hidden Power fire.
Suicune's body floated back into the lake,
into the cavern, and of course, started to brake
at the bottom, hitting the sand with a thud,
and the others found a bomb - it was really a dud.
Inside the bomb, however, was a note:
Perhaps it would act as an antidote
To the Pokémon's surprise and anxiousness here
or, perhaps, not - the situation was quite queer.**


Water here, ice there,
Everybody is drenched in despair.
To have peace and joy again,
All must burn as life began
In order to come back stronger.
Come and find me.

*Sorry about the poem - I just saw my school's production of the Suessification of Romeo and Juliet, and I can't help rhyming. ;_;
**queer=traditional meaning, odd or unusual.

Day 1 begins!
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

Who could kill Suicune?
I think we better search the scene of the crime.

*Lapras walkes to the area of the ocean
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

"Why? What has Suicune ever done?"

*Kingra swims along the floor.*
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

Hidden power doesn't help us, everyone can learn it. What I did notice is that in the text the murderer used it's "paw"
Which could narrow down the list, most fish don't have paws.
Just as in the last game, the note ends with "-M" which could mean:
- Murderer
- Ends with m
- Starts with m
- the next note has another letter forming together a name or word.
Maybe the crime scene can help us a little further.
*Luvdisc swims to the body
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

"Agreed...those who have paws are going to be suspected. Which it that is true it leaves us with Vaporeon, Mudkip, Swampert, and I'm not sure what to classify the other pokemon with hand like limbs as."
*Kingdra swam around the crime scene.*
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