Finished Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Joeypals!! Wins

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RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

OoC: Maybe made of mud or something on land left it laying around?
In: *Swims down to show Mudkip* See, with the assistance of the sleeping Lanturn, I see that there are some marking left on it, left in Unown form. Hopefully, it is useful in some way, but I cannot read that, so I was wondering if you can help. I need to solve the case of my adoptive dad's murder!
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

Sorry for editing. I was just fixing a grammar error. Still, I should not have done it.

Feraligart saw the Lumineon swim away from him in fear out of the corner of his eye. He sighed internally, then looked at Vaporeon, who had not head him. He repeated gently, "Was Suicune a friend of yours?"
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

Sorry for posting, but

Shoyru1444 said:
There seemed to be one pokemon who was weeping... again, underwater weeping... over the body. Feraligatr slowly swam over to the pokemon. She? was an Espeon. He gently said,
"Was Suicune a friend of yours?"

Incase you are referencing me, I AM A BOY.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

(rofl, Ice Espeon, I think that Shoryu was referring to me. And sorry, I just kinda...lacked all motivation to post last night @_@ RPing is srs bizness for me!)

At first, the slightly traumitized Eeveelution didn't let any words in. With her back turned to most of the group, she couldn't see the large Feraligatr approaching either. No, her mind was clogging her senses; Why? Why would anoyone kill without reason like this? ...or did they have a reason? It just seems too random, too out-of-the-ordinary to have it be at complete random, but yet...

The sound of the Feraligatr's voice cut her off at the end of a thought. "...was Suicune a friend of yours?"

Slightly startled from her thoughts, she jerked her head back to notice the large alligator Pokemon. Whether intentional or not, she flinched slightly; the thought of such a burly Pokemon being able to lift Suicune was the first thing that came to mind. Guiltily, she remembered the letter and what it said, and glanced away so as not to accuse him with her eyes.

"Ah, somewhat..." she sighed, still in obvious shock. "I only know him for a short amount of time. We were comrades together in a battle, and he was able to take a pretty heavy Thunderbolt for me. He practically saved my life, yet he was distant from most of the other Pokemon. In his nature as Suicune, I suppose...

"But...why did he die...?" her voice cracked, threatening hysteria soon. "He, he was a good Pokemon...I don't think anyone had anything against him here...what does the murderer want from us?! Why?!"

At that, she began crying again. Underwater.

(Thanks Snorechu, but I had sent a picture to 42C. I guess he hasn't got it yet though? :B)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

(Rofl, I'm an Eeveelution and the same color as Espeon. I'm preeeeeetty sure he meant the 'shiny crying Vaporeon'. Cus, you know, you can't cry if you're dead ;D)
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

*Joey continues to study Suicune* It looks like someone bashed his head in while they were at... Why kill my adoptive dad? Why?
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Begins!

Joey, quit saying he was your adoptive dad, not only it makes you suspicious, it also isn't a way to make you feel better :(

OoC: We can't really do anything but study everyones behavoir now:/

Oh, and 42; When does day 1 end?
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

*Continues to examine body while sobbing* What's this? *Picks up nearby scratched Life Orb* Hmm.... This is initialed M too... Maybe if Lanturn was closer...
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

*still translating* I think there might be a Caesar Shift Cipher involved...

Out of character, but still in the context:

Crystal Hikara said:
(Awwwwright, now we got this game started!)

At last, the shiny Vaporeon joined amongst the others at the deathbed of Suicune. Curiously the ridges on her neck flexed, as a terrible, awful gut feeling spread through her veins. Suicune had been a close friend of hers, and to see the body so...tangled, Suicune's fur singed down to nearly nothing...she had to do something, to avenge her friend's death.

She gazed at the others. "...based off of the facts we have so far, the perpetrator is leaving quite an obvious trail here..."

She paused, before taking a moment to drag a waterproof notebook out with her mouth. The poems had been printed out on them in waterproof ink, and she quickly reiterated what they had to say.

"First off is the fact that the narrator used 'paws' in the poem. Now, that obviously leaves only a few perpetrators here, myself included. ...however, there was something that piqued my interest about the following lines..."

"If you ask me," Maelstra continued, "There are very few Pokemon with enough strength to carry a Suicune up and out to the surface with a single paw. I think this will further narrow it down for us to make a decisive call on this.

"I'm not through, though..."

the murderer used Hidden Power fire.

"Based off of this fact, and looking into the fact that Hidden Power is a special move, we must assume that whomever did this had to have substantial power in order not just to knock out, but to kill one of the more powerful defensive Pokemon. It's almost as if the murderer thinks this is all a game.

"Lastly, we have the bomb and the note. Again, in order to have placed something in the bomb and to drop it from the surface, hands-or fins, at least- must have been needed. Let's go over what the poem says again..."

Water here, ice there,
Everybody is drenched in despair.
To have peace and joy again,
All must burn as life began
In order to come back stronger.
Come and find me.

"M can probably be safely assumed as 'murderer', as in past games it has been used in a similar way. It's probably a fast, easy way to make us know that he/she is the murderer. What's really interesting is the fact that the murderer is attempting to 'burn' all away to make everything come back stronger. I have an idea that that somehow will be important to us."

"Now, based on all of these facts, we're...kind of left with a tough guess here. Whereas Kyogre really doesn't have paws, it IS the only one with the potential strength to not only drag Suicune out of the water, but to do some serious damage with Hidden Power fire. While Swampert and Feraligatr could also be seen as having 'paws' to a certain extent, I'm not so convinced that they could pull off enough power to kill..."

At that, Maelstra had to turn away. True, she was going to try and help Suicune rest in peace as much as she could by trying to catch the real killer, but it was just too much. The sudden loss of a friend, a comrade...why? Why would anyone want to kill Suicune...?

(God sorry I haven't roleplayed in so long there's probably so many spelling errors and junk @_@)

Does anyone else find it interesting that neither of the Vaporeons were listed as suspects from this description? (C. Hikara is the shiny Vaporeon.) The killer could have been completely invisible to Suicune (Vaporeon "melts" into the water), giving them the perfect advantage. Another thing that would give Vaporeon an advantage is the fact that there is not one, but two Vaporeons in the game (sonic and Crystal). This quote is not just an analysis - it could be a vital clue!
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

Rats! Is it blurry though? If so, we need illumination... *Looks at the still sleeping Lanturn* Maybe we should push Lanturn down, or somehow make it's light brighter!
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

I am guessing the first one. I am not sure what that means, but that massive clue from Maelstra intrigues me.... *Thinks a little bit about it being defensive, not offensive* Why does it matter though?
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

Maelstra had begun finally to quiet down. Pull yourself together, here! she thought to herself, gulping the water for air quickly. There's a murderer in our midst...

At that, she hesitated, listening to the words of Snorechu. She even so much as went to nod her head.

"These are all viable points. However, there are a few inconsistencies with your assumptions, based on the narrator's poem. It states that Suicune was dragged to the surface, where...Suicune was killed." She paused. I must be strong. "And, I have already stated that I could be a suspect, as I have paws, unless you overlooked that section of my monologue. However, do you really think that a Pokemon twice my height and nearly six times my weight could so easily be dragged to the surface?

"It won't do us much good to sit here and point fingers so early on, if you ask me. It'd just be giving the murderer what they want. ...To burn all away to come back stronger..." her words faded as she looked over all clues once again.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

"I thought of the same thing about Vaporeon melting into water...."
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

(Photo = light. Chemo = chemical. Luminescent = that's how it glows. And I never mentioned "thermoluminescence" = glows by heat)

Well that would be hard to remedy, and hard to rationalize. How could something that lives so deep in the ocean need light to glow?

And to Crystal: I accept your defense as it stands, but I need confirmation from sonicyellow. Also, there's no 'e' in my name.

Also, you said 'M' can be assumed to be 'murderer', but what about 'Maelstra'? It all seems suspicious. And that's why I'm not closing the case against you until I have confirmation from the Unown markings. I'm almost done deciphering them.


Okay, here's what it says:
"The North Wind Has Fallen. Who Did It? A Clue Can Be Found At The Site Where The Current Meets The Past."

... What?
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

Maybe it means where the current here first began. If not those two things though, why don't we try heat? However, that would require HP Electric. Luckily, I have that. Here goes! *Uses HP Electric* Looks like it worked!
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