Finished Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Joeypals!! Wins

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RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

The "paw" was only a feeling of suicune, it could be a forming of water produced by one of the pokemon. This not only making everyone suspicious again by making everyone have a "paw", it also makes every single one of us able to move suicune's body, we don't HAVE to use our body's strenghts.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

*Joey thinks about it for a moment* Wait, how would it be possible to drag him around then? *Sees an illuminated cavern thanks to Lanturn* Wonder what that could be...
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

OOC: confirmation for what? also, it seems people are starting to make up evidence again

IC: "I am aware i am currently one of the suspects..." he began. "however, there are a few things that would not make sense here. First off, i find it would be nearly impossible for me to lift up suicune at all, let alone drag him to the surface. I simply dont have that kind of strength. Secondly... I have no motive to kill suicune. why would i want to kill the pokemon that keeps this sea water pure? It just doesnt make sense."

there was a bit of silence

"and lastly..." he continued, "I do not know how to use the move acid armor. Also, i do have hidden power. however..."

*goes to the surface*

"Hidden power!"

*electricity comes out*

*goes back*

"it is not fire, but electricity."

"Whoever did this must either have alot of strength, or posses an item that could have helped him or her.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

Saying your hidden power isn't fire is easy, you could have (going to the move tutor and learning again without trainer) relearned(?) it.
As I tried to explain, by moving the water around suicune (wich would NOT be hard for water pokemon) anyone could have moved the body.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

Lanturn swam down to help his friends investigate the mess that happened to Suicune. He would do anything to help out the team right now. As Lanturn swam he noticed that most of the pokemon under the sea were either sad or worried.

"Poor creatures.... I wish I could find who the murderer was..."

Lanturn went by the body of Suicune and then used Flash to make it extra bright. It was already bright from Lanturn's antannae but it was brighter with Flash.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

sonicyellow said:
also, it seems people are starting to make up evidence again

Guys, I will allow the Unown markings, but any more stuff like that and you'll be modkilled without question.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

Feraligatr sort of patted Vaporeon on the back. She stopped crying after a while. He said, "I doubt you could be the killer. You're much too small to carry Suicune to the surface. Anyways, do you want to go swimming?"
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

ooc: Sorry guys. My dad banned me from the computer for the last 2 days....

IC: "Wow, how could this happen? Rather, why did this happen? I find it odd that is Hidden Power Fire. Fire is nothing against a water type. In our defence, feraligatr and myself dont have "paws". We have arms and legs, hands and feet. Not paws.
You also seem to forget that most of us here can learn "stregnth". Meaning a seemingly weak vaporeon can easily grab a larger pokemon now. And vaporeon is really the only pokemon with "paws".
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

Maybe later in the game, it would work.
But now we have no clue who to vote for, so I think we'll vote you now xD
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

SilkyKyle, you fool.

Feraligatr walked up to SilkyKyle and slapped him.

"Be quiet. Now, who could be the murderer?"
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

id hardly call those "arms and legs"

but still.

anyway, he could be telling the truth, and just saying that so we think hes kidding.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

"In all honesty, I don't think that it will be easy to catch the killer, at this rate. Also, Vaporeon- nor any other Eeveelution to my knowledge- can learn Strength. We need more clues...and as sad as it is to say..." her words drifted off. "While the murderer needs to be stopped, it's far too early to make any assumptions. One more of us would die tonight, yet we could get another clue. We all need to work together instead of pointing fingers, especially so early on."

Gently she gazed back upon Suicune. Each time she looked at his burned body, her sorrow returned. "I think that...maybe Suicune wanted that of us. We're in this game together."

At Shoryu's words, she gave a fleeting smile. "Thank you," she whispered kindly, before gazing at the note again. "...but there's work to do here." There HAD to be some sort of clue left...yet her eyes just travelled to Suicune's body again.

"Are there any more clues to find...? I think...we should give Suicune the burial he deserves. He's helped keep our little home so clean for so long...but if there's any more clues, we should try and find them on the body..."

She listened to all the speculation; perhaps the water theory that Luvdisc had suggested was a sound one as well. All and all, it's far too early to tell. I just hope...I can survive the murderer's wrath and help out here. For Suicune's sake...and for all of ours as well.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

sillykyle! said:
I killed Suicune!

Nice try, Wooper, but you don't have arms let alone paws. Anyway, the place where the current meets the past... It's an underwater passage of time, is it not? And if my recollection is correct, it's located near Lugia's abode. I'll go there now.


There's a message here. In plain English, too.

You thought I'd make it that easy?

Well, that was a dead end, no pun intended.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

OoC: sillykyle!, shut up. You're distracting from the game. It's quite obvious you didn't read the previous posts.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

42 chocolate said:
Guys, I will allow the Unown markings, but any more stuff like that and you'll be modkilled without question.

Sorry, Snorchu, but I gave a warning once, and I'm not giving one again. You are being modkilled.

Mudkip was swimming along, reading messages that he had actually written in the sand himself in order to frame others. Darkrai saw this, and was infuriated. Suddenly, Mudkip's body turned black. He coughed up black blood, then fell to the floor, dead, and disappeared. The others mourned for the loss of their friend, who was not the murderer.
"I hope this will show you what not to do!" Darkrai yelled to the others, and teleported away once more.

On a side note: Foolish Snorchu, getting yourself killed on Day 1 both times. ;P

Night 1 begins!

Edit: Oh, and I heard from an anonymous source that someone has deleted a post. Whoever you are, don't do it again. :/
and shaddup I'm allowed to edit.
RE: Murder III: Deep, Dark Cavern: Day 1 Ends 4/27

42 chocolate said:
Sorry, Snorchu, but I gave a warning once, and I'm not giving one again. You are being modkilled.

Mudkip was swimming along, reading messages that he had actually written in the sand himself in order to frame others. Darkrai saw this, and was infuriated. Suddenly, Mudkip's body turned black. He coughed up black blood, then fell to the floor, dead, and disappeared. The others mourned for the loss of their friend, who was not the murderer.
"I hope this will show you what not to do!" Darkrai yelled to the others, and teleported away once more.

On a side note: Foolish Snorchu, getting yourself killed on Day 1 both times. ;P

Night 1 begins!

Edit: Oh, and I heard from an anonymous source that someone has deleted a post. Whoever you are, don't do it again. :/
and shaddup I'm allowed to edit.
(I only did it to RP that subplot out of the story...)
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