RE: Murder VII - Blast to the Past. Day 1 Ends on January 22, 8PM EST
Dec wakes up on the table on C5. Woah, what happened? Dec sees some Pokenip on the table. Did I eat that much? Dec gets up and wobbles away to C4. He hears some commotion downstairs. There's some stairs there! Convenient! Dec shook his head and went downstairs. He walks downstairs to a balcony and sees dead land forever. Wow, this is really desolate... Wait. I can get out of here! Dec jumps over the balcony, but is repelled by some kind of barrier. Darn! Dec kicked a rock in frustration. The rock hit the forcefeild and hit Dec right in the eye. OW!!! Dec, one flipper (?) over his eye, manages to make his way down to the first floor. "Hey, what's going on? I'm still a bit tired due to my lack of sleep, because Celebi transferred me to this house."