My Adventure in Sinnoh

Negative Zero

Chapter 1: 1st sight of Sinnoh

After I won 2nd place the Hoenn League I went home to Little Root Town to see my Mom and My sister then left my Pokemon with Pro.Birch and left for a start in Sinnoh. When I was at the ferry a random guy called me and said he was Pro.Rowan and he said for me two meet him at Sandgen Town.

Of course I said yes then I called my Dad to see if he was an evil person who wants to take over the world or something. I gave My Dad his discription and he said it was one of his friends so of course I went on the boat and hoping to get to Sandgen Town.

It so happens I went on the wrong boat and my boat was headed right to Evergrande City. I found a path that lead to Twin Leaf Town and decided to go down the trail.

While on the trail i saw a shadow.I turned around nothing was there. I heard a human voice. I just kept walking back and forth. Then I said to myself Who or what could be making that sound. I just kept walking back and forth for about 3 hours. The I looked down. A guy was under my feet!.

I poked him to see if he was still alive. Sure enough he moved. Then I saw a shadow in the bushes. It was a Buizel it looked hungry so i picked him up.

I left and went to sit near the tree while accsedentily stepping on the guy. I took out 2 buckets of food. I knew it was very hungry because it ate pretty fast.

I found a Poke Ball out of no where and an acorn fell on my head. My head realy hurt then Buizel just jumped on my head then it just touched the Poke Ball and went in it. The Poke Ball just stop shaking then it was caught.

I made camp to wait until the guy wakes up and I poked him with a stick for about an Half and hur

*That is the end of this chapter*

Please tell me if this story is good
You don't think I recognize most of this? This sounds just like my story! Especially:

After I won the Hoenn League I went home to Little Root Town to see my Mom and My sister then left my Pokemon with Pro.Birch and left for a start in Sinnoh.

Go here. I started this thread before you did! How am I supposed to blieve that you just made this up? This sounds too much like my story to be a cooincidence. The Hoenn league, going home, leaving pokemon with Prof. Birch, the flasing egg in the bush, looking for their nest, having no pokemon and asking them to join you...

Oooooh, you make me so angry, I swear I'll... UUGH! I'm reporting you to the mods!
Oh. Hmmm. If you freind really was on your account and copied my story, then I'm sorry for getting so angry. I would appreciate it if you would edit it to a story you created yourself.
OK i just edited it.

my friend went crazy and me kicked me off the computer and just read then made a random thread after i posted a reply to your thread.

So sorry Peliper Rox
Uhhhh... The beginning still sounds a little too similar to my story, but I guess that's okay. I forgive you and I am sorry for getting so angry. I just hate it when people steal my hard work. The rest is pretty good. I've read some of your fics. I suggest you use proper grammar and punctuation when writing them. It makes it much easier for the readers to understand.
well they had dialog so i wanted to try to put some paragraphs in this one. oh yeah you are also included in the story.
Chapter 2 Traviling Along

I woke up the next morning to find a guy in my side of the tent doing kissy faces at me.
I hit him with a fishing pole in my backpack then called Buizel out of it's Poke Ball. I went outside to find some fire wood to start breakfast. I found a Man walking but and I asked him if I could use some of his wood. He said yes but only if i give him a battle.

Of course I acsepted the challenge. It was a 1 on 1. The man used a Graveler. I used Buizel.
The man commanded Graveler to use Mega Punch. I told Buizel to dodge it and use Aqua Jet. The man then commanded Tackle. Buizel used Hydro Pump. We kept battling and I was really hungry until I won the battle with an Aqua Jet atack.

The Man gave us fire wood and we headed back to camp to make breakfast. To my surprisement the guy woke up and started the fire. I thought that I had wasted getting fire wood for nothing until the guy took it from me and used it for the fire.

I got some stuff from my backpack and made some delicous soup. I talked to the guy and i asked about his background of his life. He said that his name was Brock he was traviling with a guy named Ash and stayed somewhere in Sinnoh with his ex-girlfriend.

Well the ex-girlfriend part I ignored and I just gave Buizel it's breakfast. Then we headed off to Twin Leaf Town. As soon as we got to Twin Leaf Town we found a bunch of gangsters recking the town.

I used Buizel and Brock used Toxicroak. We beat the gangster and rebuild the village we stayed at the Poekmon Center in Sandgen Town and had a great night sleep.

*That is the end for this chapter*
Chapter 3 2 Davids.

Since I was in Sangen Town I decided to see Pro.Rowan. When I got there I saw David.
David was the 1 who took 1st place in the Hoenn League. It so happens we have the same name. Brock then came along and asked me who was he.

I just hit him and stood behind David. Then David threw a Poke Ball and a Drifloon came out. He showed me it and told me how he got it. Then I showed him my Buizel. Pro.Rowan came out and took us inside. He then gave us a choice for Pokemon. But we said we already have Pokemon.

Pro.Rowan still let us take a Pokemon. So I decided to get Turtwig and David decided to get Piplup. Then we got a Poke Dex and Poke Balls. Then I asked David if he wanted to battle. He said yes and we went to battle.

I choose Buizel and David used Drifloon. Buizel then started with a Hydro Pump. Drifloon used Shadow Ball. A fog of smoke appeared and it was hard to see. Lukily Drifloon used defog and we were battling again. Buizel then used Aqua Jet and Drifloon countered with a Body Slam.
It came out as a tie and we went to the Pokemon Center.

*That is the end of this chapter*
Chapter 4 Jubilife City Tournament and a new Friend
I decided to stop by Jubilife City before going to Oreburgh City to see my brother Roark. I heard there was a tournament there so I was off to the Pokemon Center. I called Pro.Birch and asked him if i could use my Blaziken for my adventures as well. He gladly said yes. Then I saw David. I knew he was going to get his Swampert because of the look in his eye.

At the tournament me and my Pokemon were quickly passed the pelimanaries and the semi final matches. I no time at all we made it to the finals. We were up against a guy named Harrison. We were up to the last Pokemon we were aloud to use. Then we both sent out Blazikens! It was a very intense battle. We sometimes came up with the same attacks and tricks we thought that would work. For the final move I commanded Blaziken to use Blaze Kick and Harrison did the same.

It came out as a tie and we both got trophies in the end. When I was about to lave Harrison asked me if he could come along with me. Of course I said yes and then we were off to Oreburgh City.
Chapter 5 Bryon Dead

When I was in Oreburgh City I decided to visit the gym. This time Brock decided to come with me. In front of the door I saw to people at the door. Brock then said hi to them and said to me that hey are May and Max. Then Nurse Joy came and Brock went romantic. Max was about to pull Brock's ear then Toxicroak cam out and jabbed him. Then May said hi to me and Max went balistic to see Harrison. Then I just went inside to see what my brother was doing. As always I shouted Brother I'm here. Roark came out to hug me and we went to have a battle till Brock came in and said hi to Roark. The looked happy to see each other and Max asked if He and Roark could battle. Roark then said that he was going to battle his brother first. Brock and Harrison asked who was his brother and Rorak was just pointing at me. They did not belive what Roark pointed to. They were all staring at me until David cam in the door and we were all staring at him. Then David asked if he could battle Roark. He then said he was going to battle his brother and David asked the same question Roark then pointed at Me and David was just staring at me until the manager came and whispered into Roraks then My ear. Then we flew to Canalave and found Bryon my Dad laying on the ground dead. I screamed and Roark cried. Then Dad moved and pointed at me. He told me that I was the going to be a gym leader next year then he was down and dead.

*Tell me how you like the chapter people. and Please People Read!*
Chapter 6 The battle with Roark times 3

I was back in Oreburgh City and cried until I got to the gym. Everyone was trying to comfort me until then but I was OK when I got back to the gym. Well Max just stared at me and David was looking at his shoes. Then Roark announced that it will be a 3 on 3 Team Match. I sent out Buizel of course David sent out Swampert and Max sent out Sceptile. Roark sent out Rampardos, Graveler, and Steelix. Buizel started with an Aqua Jet attack, Septile with Leaf Blade, and Swampert with Aqua Tail. Graveler used Mega Punch, Stellix with Iron Tail, and Rampardos with Zen Headbut. The Pokemons powers were equal so there was an explosion. Buizel used the chance to dig underground with Aqua Jet. When the smoke cleared Buizel was gone and no one knew where Buizel went well exept me. Swampert then used surf and Sceptile used Leaf Blade. Harrison was wondering where Buizel went same gose for May and Brock. I launched a Signal and out form no where Buizel came out form under Graveler and used Sonic Boom. Graveler was down and it was only Rampardos and Steelix. Then from behind Rampardos Buizel used Hydro Pump. Everyone was surprised that Buizel used Hydro Pump. I then thought that Buizel must have learend it and I just dealed with it. It was only Steelix left and we did a combined attack to finish Steelix of.
Later on I asked Harrison why he did not battle. He said he already defeated the gym and We were off but not before May and Max asked to come along with us. David then dissapeared. Now me and my friends are off to Florama Town to get May's ribbon.

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