My Artsy poo~


Balthamos Art DEPO

Well, what do I draw?
Pokemon -
Sonic characters -
General everything.
Here are some many examples which you may enjoy :)


If you would like to see more, please go to my Deviantart page, the username is H-Balth :) It's linked as my URL For this forum so I don't link you. As I dont know if I can or not.
I hope you enjoy. I shall post more examples later of my art.
Wow your pretty awsome ^_^
1 thins is this site is quite well censored so maybe that example is a bit to ... nice stuff though
Cute stuff, good work! ^_^

I only have one critique, in the majority of your CGs the edges are quite aliased. Remember when you stroke the outlining... hang on, do you use Adobe Photoshop? If in the event that you do, make sure that when you stroke the outlining the stroke option is set to "Brush" not "Pencil." This make the appearance of your edges smoother and more correct when shading with soft brushes.

Despite that, great work on the other factors; perspective, flow, and whatnot.

Your character in your signature looks very nice. Good work on the SA style. =)

P.S. Do you think you could draw one of Antoine and Bunnie hugging? *Sorry, I'm a sucker for Sonic art*
Eh. I don't care for fancharacter art unloess you're drawing it for yourself. It's kinda like, you might THINK someone cares, but they're just trying to get more pageviews. Then again, I haven't had a very good experience on dA.

But that's some pretty PS regardless. Kudos.

Oya, read your journal.; Got that worked out yet?
ooh the money thing? Nah, trying to deal with that XD;

There be a doodle for you!

And I understand what you mean by fancharacter art. :3

And that request, ooh I shall have to give it a think XD:
Yeah, no one ever comments on my fan character art. I really like doing it, but I get ticked off that everyone ignores it.

BTW, whats up with her wing? Does it like float or something?
Is she an Eevee, by any chance?

The three pieces of yours in this topic are wildly divergent in style. It's really weird. But it's pretty cool that way.