DPPt/HGSS My Box Party! (Free Pokemon!)

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Aspiring Trainer
All of these Pokemon are free! Just trade me a fodder Pokemon and they're all yours! My friend code: 2921-6686-5003.I am currently starting over my Diamond version and Im going to need some space on my Pearl version for the Diamond version Pokemon I want to save. But I don't want following Pokemon to go to waste:

Regigigas x2 (1 is Japanese with Lax nature and 1 is English with Serious nature, both at Lv 70)

Eevee ( Lv 25 Brave nature)

Sceptile x2 (1 is Japanese with Jolly nature and 1 is English with Docile nature)

(Taken) Chikorita (French with Rash nature)

(Taken) Shiftry (Lv 14 Lax nature)

Machamp (Lv 51 hardy nature)

Victreebel (Lv 53 Sassy)

(1 more left) Totodile (Lv 1 Bold nature)

Feebas (Lv 1 Hardy nature)

Poliwrath (Lv 52 Rash)

Weavile (Lax nature)

Chimchar x2 (1 with Hasty and 1 with Gentle)

Lucario (Lv 2 Serious)

Electivire (Lv 38 Careful nature)

Spiritomb (Lv 1 Hardy)

Golem (Lv 100 Quirky)

Metagross (Lv 55 Hasty but only knows Take Down)

Tyranitar (Lv 72 Bashful)

Slaking (Lv 36 Naive)

(Taken) Espeon (Lv 39 Impish)

Kangaskhan x3 (All of them are clones. They are Lv 60 with Docile nature.)

Dusknoir (Lv 59 Serious)

Seviper (Lv 58 Lax)

Umbreon (Lv 54 Docile, use to have Pokerus)

NOTE: I have posted this on another Pokemon forum. It is to increase my chances of somebody taking these Pokemon.
Ill take a JPN Gigas, Golem (Lv 100 Quirky), Tyranitar (Lv 72 Bashful) pls. Please PM me if I can get these Pokemon:p

Platinum: 4984 0827 5020
Alright I'd like the Umbreon please and Eevee brave nature and Seviper please. Thanks a lot!:)
can i get i english regi 1 english sceptile totidile metegross tyranitar and seviper or is that to many my pearl fc is 2321 1908 5160 pm me if i can have
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