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My brother's Serperior, Reuinclus 'n' friends

The Yoshi

This is my brother's deck. Hope you like it!


4-3-3/1 Serperior BW(Snivy #1, Servine #4, Serperior Ability/Serperior non-ability)
3-2-3 Reuniclus BW(Solosis #55, Duosion #56, Reuniclus #57)
1-1 Metapod HGSS
3 Zekrom BW
Total Pokemon: 24

3 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Switch
2 Copycat
2 Seeker
2 Super Scoop Up
4 Rare Candy
Total T/S/S: 22

6 Lightning Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
2 Grass Energy
2 Rescue Energy
Total Energy: 15

So the basic strategy of this deck is to attack with Serperior with Leaf Tornado, and move the energy if needed. When Serperior takes a lot of damage, you can heal it off with Royal Heal. But you can spread the damage around with Reuinclus' Damage Swap to spread the damage to everyone in play, and then heal it all off. Metapod is used against Reshiram/Emboar/Typhlosion, which are the hardest matchups. Zekrom is in here for those matchups. With DCE I can go in for a revenge kill with Damage Swap. I move as much damage as I need to Zekrom, and then use Outrage to do lots of damage to Samurott, Reshi/Zekky, and possibly Donphan. Then I can heal the damage off like usual.

I know this deck needs a lot of help, so please, please, please help!

@Tyraniking: Yeah, I didn't forget to add the #'s this time. No need to post. XD
I thought I had you. DARNIT! :p
It's not bad, but pokemon wise, I think your brother has a couple choices to make. In my opinion, 30 pokemon is way too many, and 19 TSS is nowhere near enough. I think the first thing he needs to figure out is whether to run Zekrom tank or focus on the Yanmega engine. I know you know the game mechanics so I won't go into details as to why, but doing so could afford a lot of extra spots. I'd bump the deck up to 3-4 PONT, or if he takes the Yanmega route, run 3-3/4-4 Judge/Copycat. I think Stantler is kind of irrelevant in Zekrom, but I see it working for Yanmega.

So first things first is choosing either Zekrom or Yanmega imo. Both can work, and well, but they each have a support system that can take up too many card slots in the long run. I prefer Zekrom, but since this is a Junior's field, Yanmega might be...easier since you have built in search and don't damage yourself, and it's quicker. Granted you could tech Yanmega into Zekrom, but at that point I wouldn't bother with so many grass energy or the Sunflora line.
^Thank you for your advice. I was thinking of dropping Zekrom and Sunflora for some more T/S/S. Could you suggest what he should add? I was thinking 3 Judge, another 1-1 Yanmega, and another Copycat. He enjoys using Yanmega, so I think it might be better that he uses it.

Edit: I just realized Yanmega is $50.00 right now, so I'm going to go with the Zekrom engine. Any help on this?
personally i would

- 2-2 sunflora (dont see the point with 4 pokecomm's/3 collector)
- 2 zeckrom (good idea but dont need that many pokemon)
- stantler (no need for 1)
- pont (rather have copycat)

+1-1 yanmega (if you can get it)
+1 copycat
+3 judge

i love the deck and i would consider SSU or more seeker

My brother runs a similar build.

30 pogeymanz seems a little too much. I would take out:

1-1 Metapod
2-2 Sunflora

These are kinda slow in this build. I've helped my bro test nearly every legal card for his build, so...

You should add in:

2 Zekrom (main attacker, so you want more than 2. =P)
4 Grass NRG (more than 7 is helpful, even with those other NRGs.)

Hope I helped!
I actually really like serperior/reuniclus combos, as they're not as common in decks. Since they're both time consuming to build, i suggest using zekrom in your build since he's a basic and he works so well with damage swap and royal heal. I say take out Metapod and Sunflora, as the previous poster suggested. And Stantler. Cleffa is a better starter. So..

-1-1 Yanmega
-1-1 Metapod
-1 Stantler
-2-2 Sunflora

+2 Zekrom
+2 Cleffa

Leaving you with 5 spots for T/S/S

I'd add more Copycat, PONT, and maybe some Judge to mess with their hand a little bit.

Sorry, I'm a bit new to this, but that's my two cents. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the advice! I think I'm going to keep Metapod because without a Pluspower, Reshiram can't kill me, and then I'll just heal the damage off. I will consider all of the changes. Thanks so much! (I am taking out Sunflora and Yanmega, though)

Edit: Bump! Changed up the list!
You only need 1 grass energy to use Leaf Tornado.

-9 Grass Energy
-2 Double Colorless

+7 Lightning Energy
+4 Rainbow Energy
@Infernape: I'm not too concerned with Pokemon with Fire weakness, because since Reshiram and Emboar are going around, people aren't using decks like that for the most part.

@Jahikoi: DCE is important for Zekrom. Do you really think it is important for Zekrom to utilize that many Electric Energies? I think I'll go with:

- 6 Grass Energy

+ 6 Electric Energy

If this does not sound sufficient, please LMK why.
I'd play at least one non ability Serperior. Which would mean that you have to keep a good amount of grass, but it's worth it. I mean, it does the same amount of damage as ability, but heals more with the attack. And it abuses DCE if you needed to quickly dish out damage. I run 2/2 split in my build because it's that good.
Yoshidude10 said:
@Infernape: I'm not too concerned with Pokemon with Fire weakness, because since Reshiram and Emboar are going around, people aren't using decks like that for the most part.

@Jahikoi: DCE is important for Zekrom. Do you really think it is important for Zekrom to utilize that many Electric Energies? I think I'll go with:

- 6 Grass Energy

+ 6 Electric Energy

If this does not sound sufficient, please LMK why.

With the rainbow energy, you do not need grass energy at all. You can simply bolt strike to victory, and the 1 damage counter from rainbow gets healed off easily. You can only attack with outrage at the moment, while Bolt Strike does a massive 120. Early on, you aren't going to have enough damage counters to abuse outrage; later on, you will get one shot because you are abusing damage counters.

I stand by my suggestion - I don't think this deck needs ANY grass energy as rainbow can be moved with leaf tornado.
@Tyraniking: Thank you for that suggestion. I may consider adding a few Grass Energy and a non-ability Serperior for it.

@Jahikoi: Ok. Thank you for explaining that. I will do:

-9 Grass Energy
-2 Double Colorless Energy

+7 Lightning Energy
+4 Rainbow Energy

Thank you for that suggestion.

Bump! Removed Judge, since it doesn't make much sense since I'm not running Yanmega anymore. I increased my PONT line, dropped a Copycat, and changed the energy as shown above.
I'd be running at least 4 Rainbow and 2 Grass. That way you can use all of the Serps to attack. I'd take out one or two Zekrom, and then that way you don't need as many Lightning anyway. With no Pachi/Shaymin engine, I doubt you'll end up using all four anyway.