My bus


Do you loooooves me? <3
OK, so I was on the bus shaking my Pokewalker because I wanted steps, right? Well, my crazy, speeding bus driver slammed the brakes. I slammed into the seat in front of me and I accidentally dropped my Pokewalker, it hit my shoe, and I could not find it. I told the lady to look for it (what do you expect, she caused the dilemma). However, I had Moltres on there and I do not know how to return it in case she cannot find it, which will SUCK. What should I do?
Umm... if you can get another don't cheat the thing while on the bus xD What I recommend is wait until our bus driver can find it. If you lost it, I can't really say anything but next time don't do it on the bus :/
There isn't really much you can do. You could ask people if they have seen it, or you can look around the bus. If that doesn't work, I would just hope for the best. :[
Just saying if I was you, I wouldn't have my Pokewalker out if I was on the bus. I think you just have to wait until the bus driver finds it and returns it to you. If you want to really really get it back, then I would advice you to ask the bus driver if you can search for it inside the bus (when nobody is in the bus) and see if its anywhere there.
I can wait, but if it does not show up, how do I get my Moltres back? I cannot trade for anything (do not have anything valuable), so I am also worrying about that.
EDIT: I can try that in the morning, otherwise I will need to buy another.
If you cant find it the pokewalker hit Up+Select+R on the pokewalker connection screen. And you get Moltres back.
I thought there was a way to forcibly pull it back...
EDIT: OK, it all depends on if my bus driver cares or not...
I tried the Up+R+Select trick. It lets you get it back, but it won't let you connect to the PokeWalker anymore if you do find it.
That's why I am waiting until tomorrow. Would everything I got come with it or not? (Watts, ect.)
Nope watts dont come. And if you find it there is another set of buttons you can press for it to connect again.
I took it. Tomorrow, beat everyone to the bus, and look everywhere. If you can't find it, do that button combination.
well ye3ah taking it on the bus and trying to cheat it wasnt the greatest idea in the world. however solution. next time attach a string to it and then it will stay with you. and the same advice as everyone else. get on the bus ASAP this morning and look. w=either that or bug the driver tolook also.(i dony take a bux so IDK what its like)
I swear there's a way to get your pokemon back if you loose the pokewalker... check the instruction guide to your game: I'm almost 100% sure theres a way to reset the thingy or something if it's lost.
I had a similar scenario to this not so long ago,

Basically I forgot my iPod on the bus, the next day I phoned up the bus company to see if they found something or not, they claimed they haven't seen it. However, a week into when I lost it the bus company phoned up again and said that when they were double checking the bus they had found it. I was so relieved.

I'm not saying something like this will happen to you, it might but I think that I was very lucky; it's always worth to phone up the actual bus company to double check the vehicle. Unless someone picked it up by mistake it still should be on the vechile.

Hope you get it back dude. ;)
Well it's not the easiest pokemon to get since in any game you can find it you can only catch it once and he says he has nothing to trade for it.
I forced it back. I like the bus company calling though. I will try that tomorrow. So far, no luck.