ZZZAPDOS, How can u steal other people's cards?!? That's mean! Then again, Mean Schean, that's not even a word! Papi/Manny, if you think this is person, you make up a better poll!
...Make a better poll about stealing?? Stealing isn't something I focus on nor enjoy writing about. I will do a poll about something random though...if thats what you want.
ZZZAPDOS, How can u steal other people's cards?!? That's mean! Then again, Mean Schean, that's not even a word! Papi/Manny, if you think this is person, you make up a better poll!
AMEN ELFEDANNY!! AMEN! I love being political... but you're right. The Bill of Rights clearly states we do not reserve the right to covet other's belongings.(But to all those Normal types that do, that's OK) I think that is also one of God's 10 commandments.
This thread has become unstable. I am going to go ahead and close it to prevent anybody's feelings from being hurt.
ZZAPDOS, posting like that is considered trolling for flames, or posting to get attention by being disruptive. I'm giving you a warning here in this thread since I feel that it is important to point this out. Next time something like this happens, it will result in a temporary ban.