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My Dark Toolbox (Darkrai Tornadus EX) Please Help!


If it's Lotad, it wins
Hey there everyone! Came back from battle roads and did well, but I'm not sure about my list for Nationals. Thanks in advance!

3 Darkrai EX
1 Tornadus EX
2 Smeargle UD
2 Shaymin UL
1 Tornadus EP

4 Dark patch
4 Pokemon catcher
3 Eviolite
2 Max Potion
4 Juniper
2 N
4 Junk Arm
2 Random Receiver
2 Dual Ball
2 Ultra Ball
2 Switch
2 Crushing Hammer

9 Dark
3 Special Dark

Strategy is pretty simple.
Darkrai is for hitting the bench and hurting EXs.
Tornadus counters Terrakion and can hit early game.
Smeargle is for extra drawpower and Shaymin is for energy moving.
Btw, Crushing Hammer is essential for beating Terrakion varients and is very disruptive otherwise

Thanks in advance!
RE: My Dark Toolbox (Darkrai, Terrakion, Tornadus EX)

i wouldnt run 4 juniper,, prob drop 1 an add another terrakion.

also everyone runs skyarrow and you only need it for smeargle because you'll get freetreat from darkrai, so drop that to only 1.

i'd also try and fit a 4th prism for those terrakions

just some thoughts.
RE: My Dark Toolbox (Darkrai, Terrakion, Tornadus EX)

Thanks for the advice. I dropped skyarrow for switch and Im changing the pokemon line.
RE: My Dark Toolbox (Darkrai, Terrakion, Tornadus EX)

I'd probably change the Special Darks to the normal ones, because they can be Lost Removed and you can't use them for energy acceleration. Sure, 10 more damage are nice but, I mean, do you really need it? I don't think so. Also, you can just change 1 of the Eviolites to 1 Dark Claw. It's more useful than SP Dark.
Shaymin EX is quite interesting in here, cuz it acts like a Terrakion counter too.
Also, I'd try to fit in another Smeargle since it's very useful.
RE: My Dark Toolbox (Darkrai, Terrakion, Tornadus EX)

Thanks for the suggestions. I still have one big problem though. I'm not sure if I should run pluspower over max potion. I always have trouble getting Terrakion KOs and when I do I'm only 10-20 damage off. What do you think?
RE: My Dark Toolbox (Darkrai, Terrakion, Tornadus EX)

I don't know, but that's your option. I prefer Max Potion over Plus Power, but since your deck focus more on Terrakion than mine I don't know which to choose. It's your personal preference.