I made this Spiritomb just now. It's been a while since I've faked.
I have so many others that I'll make later. One time I had an entire "spoiler" made out for an Advance style GS set, so maybe I'll start working on that.
Gill Sans is the font I use. I did some searching on the internet and according to some person I considered reputable enough out there, the Humanist fonts are actually not the right fonts?
My method for making this was assemble all text using Microsoft Word and then screencapping that and bringing it over to Photoshop for the images. I believe that accounts for the font being ugly and unrealistic. I have yet to find the "Justify text" feature in Photoshop, if that even exists (I believe this is how actual cards work; they justify the margins in order to have a big block of text).
Here's another card I did. Again, it's Gill Sans font but it actually looks like the real thing. This time I had put the text straight in from Photoshop, but I couldn't justify the margins of the text so it also looks unrealistic.
At any rate, I would love to hear people's opinions on this one (I really only wanted the focus to be on the text in this one, so that's why I've shadowed the borders, if that even really matters lol).
By the way, yes I know it's a Spiritomb on an Advanced blank, but oh well. Does nobody out there know what I'm talking about, or is justifying the margins something Photoshop just isn't capable of doing? I'm going to try using Humanist in Word and see if that somehow works better than Gill Sans later.