My Film "The Star of Eros" Now Streaming!

Congrats Jon! I know this is something you've been working on and aspiring towards for as long as I've been on the site. All the best~
Wow, this was really good. I'd first like to say hats off to the composer. The music was really well done. It seemed to be heavily inspired by studio Ghibli music which is not a bad thing to be inspired by. :)

The intrigue for what split the family was setup really well and so the line at 7:50 was the best payoff ever lol. Also, what's up with all this kidnapping? :p

I think one of the only criticism I have is that (and I'm by no means a professional writer or director so take this with a grain of salt) sometimes the tone of the scenes shifted somewhat jarringly. Like for example 9:34-10:48 going from happy/melancholy to serious, then comedy, then action in a short period of time. But other than that the entire film was phenomenal and kept me engaged easily– not an easy task.
That's amazing. That's some dedication right there. Congrats on the acclaim, it's probably well deserved. I'll definitely try to watch it. Congrats.
Congratulations my "son"! May you continue to be successful in whatever you do!