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my first deck


Aspiring Trainer
hi im stephen. im just geting back into the game and i built a new {F} deck. this decks goal is to discard energy from the defending pokemon, wile hitting them with powefull damage.its not that good but idc lol. btw i like alot of energy in my deck. i like to get excadrill our QUICK wile my oponent is still setting up, and discard alot of energy from a stage one card, so when its a stage two it wont be abel to atack because lack of energy. speed is verrryy important in this deck.

2-2 excadrill (80 damage and discards an energy)
2-2-2 krookodile (black eyes abiliy, flip a coin if heads discard an energy from the defending pokemon)
2 throh (might stop the defending pokemon from atacking)

4 pokemon communication
4 prof elms training method
3 prof oaks new theory
3 black belt
2 great ball
2 bianca
2 plus power
1 pokemon collector
1 twins

rest are{F} energy (ik alot)
You need to run things like junk arm, crushing hammar, and a couple lost remover to help discard energy. I run this deck and I like it with great balls from EP. They seem to work for me. You should also consider putting in dual balls or Pokemon collector. Four communication and elms is too much. You should cut that down to a combo of five total to make more room. GL
If speed is really that important; Run 4 pokemon collector instead of 1.
Also play some Rare candies and make your pokemon lines thicker.
Zeki/n/Reshi23 said:
/Reshi here.
That's a great first deck. Maybe you can try to get a 3-3 Excadrill.

good idea :) excadrill is my main atacker so i def need more! ima try to run a 4-4 exadrill but keep the krookodile 2-2-2. krookodile is just my backup atacker.
I agree with Shaymin Lv.X add 2 to 4 rare candies and play 4 pokemon collector