My First Post!!! Just introducing myself!

Veni Vidi Vici

Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys,

I actually signed up for this site a while back, but this is my first post. I wasn't really sure where else I should introduce myself, so I figured this was probably the best place.

I'm pretty new to the whole world of Pokemon - at least as it is now. Back in my pre-teen days in the late 90s I used to be hopelessly obsessed with Pokemon, as was every other boy and girl around my age. It was a global phenomenon, and I definitely dished out loads of cash trying to keep up with some of my friends in our card collections. When the fad slowly died down, so did my interest - mainly because I felt kinda jipped when 100 new pokemon came out. That was the point when the business side of Pokemon really hit me, and it kinda turned me away from everything.

Early last summer, I was cleaning out my room and managed to stumble across my old card collection. There were about 700-800 cards from the first three sets - base, jungle and fossil. This feeling of nostalgia came over me and I just started to remember how much fun I used to have collecting those cards and playing the games and watching the anime. That was right about when Diamond and Pearl came out so I decided to go out and get Diamond, and from that point on I've been hooked once again.

I'm not so much into the anime (I feel I've definitely out-grown it somewhat), and I've decided to try to complete the first few sets of card collections I have (through ebay of course). I don't think I'll start collecting the new cards at any time. The games have really got me hooked though. I rarely ever thought about pokemon between around early 2000 and last summer (2007), so I've had a lot of catching up to do, and there are still a lot of pokemon I'm sure I'm not familiar with. I've beaten Diamond and I'm trying to collect some shinies and other tradeable assets in order to complete my national dex (I'll update with a "My Player" thread in the wi-fi section of this site at some point). I also went out and bought Fire Red (I was ecstatic when I found out they re-made the original! I only found this out a few months ago!) as well as Emerald just a few days ago.

All in all, I gotta say I'm hooked once again. I won't lie; there are times I feel a little childish - but really that's part of the reason why I love playing the games; they make me feel like a kid again. In these hectic days of 20-page university assignments and law-school applications, it's definitely fun to just sit down and lighten up sometimes while playing these incredibly fun and addicting games.

Sorry if a long intro like that isn't what you're used to! Just figured it was the best way to get started on these forums. Look for my first "real" post (an actual discussion topic) in the gaming discussion forum in a just a short little while!

RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

Glad to see you've returned to the wonderful world of POKEMON! *Que the music* Anyway, I'm sure you'll have a great time here. Lots of the people here are kind and friendly (aside from Dmaster... I heard he wants to take over the World :eek:). There's a problem though... Your username may be interpreted as offensive by the moderating staff. I'd PM one of the Moderators about it (the "wtf" part in your name). Other than that, you should be perfectly fine here.

Oh, and the buffet is down the hall and to the left. There's a special on pasta salad this week. :)
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

Your name should be fine; I didn't even notice it had a semi-bad word in there. :/

I can't go one second without GODZILLA spreading lies about me. I'm kind to people who are kind to me, so you should be really worrying about GODZILLA giving you a hard time here. :p Welcome to the Forums, and hopefully you've payed attention to the Rules every now and then.

dmaster out.
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

Welcome to the forum mate. I had a similar experience, getting back into it, actually. I stopped with it around 2001/02 after Gold & Silver came out. I sold my Game Boy & Games, and all my shiny cards (Oh, how I regret that now, not least because I had some amazing ones, lol) and just recently have been playing Leaf Green and watching the anime a bit, as my sister just got into Diamond and Pearl. Needless to say I was quick to show her the ins and outs of the phenomenon known as Pokemon. :)

Anyway, have a good time here.
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

d master342 said:
Your name should be fine; I didn't even notice it had a semi-bad word in there. :/

I can't go one second without GODZILLA spreading lies about me. I'm kind to people who are kind to me, so you should be really worrying about GODZILLA giving you a hard time here. :p Welcome to the Forums, and hopefully you've payed attention to the Rules every now and then.

dmaster out.

Hey, Dmaster! :D The guys want to talk to you out back... *puts on brass knuckles*
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

Yeah, because Brass Knuckles are fair in a fist fight. :///////

dmaster out.
Dude, Zilla and dmaster, your bickering is setting a bad impression on the new member. :/

Anyway, hello. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the "I feel too old for this" thing. But this is a good place to come and express yourself because you feel that way. :O

Welcome. :]

Shawn out.
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

On the contrary, CCloud; I'm teaching the new member on how not to handle a situation here on the Forums. This is purely an educational experience for him, and I'm sure he would benefit greatly from seeing it.

dmaster out.
I hope he doesn't mistake that "experience" for a reason to watch out for you two like I did just a second ago. :O

Shawn out.
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

There's no reason to be afraid, and I have nothing to hide. Me and GODZILLA set that up right there, and you guys fell for it.

dmaster out.
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

Hey, haven't seen any of these kind of threads since pkmnteam.

Anyway, welcome to the forums, and don't spam like I do. =p And ignore the random fistfights that happen.
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

Wel-wait, your name is mean. SUPA BANNNNNNN!!!!!

Welcome. Please have a nice time here. If you don't, then I will buy a BMW, and wait outside your house until you go to sleep... :|

Oh, and I'm Sylar. Pleased to meet ya' :)!
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

good to meet ya! i always feel too old for pokemon and i'm only 13 lol
Haha, well,

Guess I should RE-introduce myself.

There was a small problem with the last name so now I'm goin under the SN "Veni Vidi Vici". I guess you guys can call me Vici for short...
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

d master342 said:
There's no reason to be afraid, and I have nothing to hide. Me and GODZILLA set that up right there, and you guys fell for it.

dmaster out.

Set what up, Dmaster? You spreadin' rumors about me? *starts separating the positive and negative electric charges*

I'm going to call you "Veni." Also, that's an awesome name to have. ;p
RE: My First Post!! Just introducing myself!

Don't call him by a nickname, GODZILLA. That's being lazy and disrepectful. Now who's telling the truth? :eek:

dmaster out.