My First Spriting Contest! Final Round due Jan 25!

RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

Well, I'm in.


RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

Ok, we only need 5 or 6 more people. Maybe less.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

No, not really. Oh, you can only use ones from Pokemon video games, no online game sprites allowed!
Onlly 4-5 more people and then it begins!
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

Kool contest muddy, may I join?

I haven't made sprites in forever, but some older PokeBeach members can tell you how good I was.

Ill get to making those fuses and recolors soon :D
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

muddy68 said:
You will be judged out of 10 points.
Originatly 2pts
Creativity 2pts
Overall Art 4pts
Following the topic 2pts

This judging system is strange...only 2 points for each catagory? I think it should be at least 5 points for each catagory. Just my thoughts.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

I don't think you should say that people can't use online sprites. Everyone uses POkesho, its not cheating, its the same as the video games, just the sprite quality is better, so the over-all sprite is better. I normally prefer to scratch everything though :p

Anyways, heres mine:

Gallade legs, Porygonz body, Mime JR head. Neck scratched :p (lolfailkthnx) Anyways, I felt like doing a glow, I used rotom cut forme's colours.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

i wanna enter i was hoping there would come a new spriting contest soon
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

I think that means we have seven contestants.
Is that enough?
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

Let everyone in until the first scores are in, the more the better :D
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants!

You guys are in. INFERNAPE, you can fix the scoring if you want. I agree with doing that., but we need it soon. Entries due Saturday at 9 pm eastern time!

PS, nevermind about that. Sorry!
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants! Entries due Sat. 9pm eastern!

muddy, how about this?

Originatly 1-5
Creativity 1-5
Overall Art 1-5
Following the topic 1-5

I think this will be a better system.
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants! Entries due Sat. 9pm eastern!

Can we enter sprites that we have already made ?
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants! Entries due Sat. 9pm eastern!

Well, Dragon flames 111 they have to follow the round requirements. Read the thread and see what the first round is. Yes, you may use them as long as they were not copied!
INFERNAPE: I like it! It will be copied and pasted into the thread!
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants! Entries due Sat. 9pm eastern!

Great. Glad I could help. =]
RE: My First Spriting Contest! Need Contestants! Entries due Sat. 9pm eastern!

Cool! Judges, you may PM me with your scores for each person so that nothing gets out!