My First Tournament


Cardboard Crusader
I was so stoked today to arrive at my very first Pokemon TCG Tournament. A pre-release style tourney since my local card shop isnt sanctioned it was done the 10th so people could show up. While it wasnt very big *a 9 person turnout* I was so very excited to go and have fun. What i didnt know was that i'd be taking home the 6 pack prize at the end of the night! I thought i'd share my drafted deck with you all and maybe you can just point out what went right that brought about my undefeated streak.
8 Fire
6 Fairy
4 Fighting
Ultra Ball
Pokemon Fan Club
Fiery Torch *never used*
Startling Megaphone *never used*
Sacred Ash
Trick Shovel
Protection Cube
2 Litleo
1 Pyroar
2 Flabebe
2 Floette
1 Florges
2 Geodude
1 Graveler
1 Golem
1 Quillfish
1 Miltank *never used*
1 Fletchling *never used*
1 Fletchinder *never used*

All of my matches were relatively short lived and when they were long it was simply a Pyroar stall to the finish.
RE: My first tournament and first place

Congrats. Hopefully, you will be able to play in upcoming League Challenges and keep your "perfect" tournament win record rolling. Good luck and have more fun. :)
Prereleases are the best, it's fun to share excitement of seeing brand new cards and hoping you get the rarer ones. I had 28 Grass Energy some maractus, some roselia, and a mega kangaskhan and went undefeated too.