My Fish Died :(

Never mind my question. d master, is there amything else you think the four years could be?
Nah, that was just an lol post. I thought it was referring to Charizard. Three and a half is the closest I could get.

dmaster out.
I have no idea what to do now. Half of me wants to just sit back and wait for it to happen, but the other wants to get to the bottom of this.
I was fine sitting back and watching peoples brains explode, but then I got into it. I really think this is something like that HS joke.
No, WPM doesn't really do that kind of stuff. I'm pretty sure that this is real. Have we figured out what the poopy stuff is? Have we figured out ANYTHING yet?
I dont think we have yet. The HS thing was big. A llot of people threatened to quit the beach.
Yes, the forums were deleted in Q42005. I remember reading an ancient new story (you can't view it now thanks to the 2008 deletion) asking the people if they wanted the forums back. That clearly means that had been here beforehand, possibly even dating back to the site's creation on July 15th, 2003. I believe he meant Charizard, considering he did join back in January of 2006 (the first month of the forums) and he has been a moderator since I came here, which was nearly 2 years ago....he seemed heavily active in 2006 and the first half of 2007, but gradually he became inactive, and he finally lost his powers last week.

Anyway, I'm betting Phoenix to be chosen.
Well, that is the most likely to be the fourth, since he's the only one that can relate in any way.
He is also the last one of three on the "leaked" list. I was given the list Monday night, and it consisted of:

-dragon9 (Modded Tuesday)
-cheetor586 (Modded Wednesday)
-Phoenix (Not yet modded)

If the list continues to hold true, Phoenix will become the fourth and final Jr. Mod.
Ughh. The suspense kills me.
I have heard two numbers, so how many Junior Mods are there going to be?
4 or 5

I think the crab, being the oddball will be: BACON BOY, not really, lol. JK. I have no Idea. I still think either B-ray or Fridge will be one.
Guys, with one more J-mod to go, which part of the forum do you think they will mod? Most are taken.
Flare said:
Guys, with one more J-mod to go, which part of the forum do you think they will mod? Most are taken.

Clans and Clubs is the main one most likely to be taken.

dmaster out.
The Assassin said:
Amt's a girl >____________<
haha oh well, typo
ShayminSky said:
But the title is My Fish Died. So he was talking about mods leaving, and mods coming. Everyone liked the old mods.
or maybe he really did have a fish for 4 years that died.
that part could be true
Though, why would they take Phoenix out of the Clans and Clubs moderation just to put him back in a few days later?
Flare said:
Though, why would they take Phoenix out of the Clans and Clubs moderation just to put him back in a few days later?
because they took out all of the clan council at once.
they couldnt just leave him, that would seem unfair
That does seem very pointless. :p

Probably someone like D Master, who's been around for awhile will be a new jMod.
I WISH THIS WOULD JUST END! I just want to see who the last one is and get on with our lives.
Paper PokeMaster said:
That does seem very pointless. :p

Probably someone like D Master, who's been around for awhile will be a new jMod.
yea except he has been temp banned so much the next one is perma
not exactly jr mod material...
but yes, he has been around awhile